Page 83 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 4(1) (2016)
P. 83
ia universitatisserious as opposed to overlaps, latches and gig- tni do počasnejšega pogovornega stila in bolj fleksibilni
gles when it was less serious. Zadar’s conversa- glede navezovanj, prekinjanja, seganja v besedo in sočas­
cross-influencebetweenlanguageandculture:pausestructureasproofofculturaldifference... 83 tional style is constantly changing dynamics, nega govora.
from growing louder to attenuating to a very low
tone, and is very expressive in its usage of all the Summary
stylistic effects whereas Pula’s style is rather con-
stant and uniform. Taking into account the pre- The research is based on recordings of spontaneous
sented results and their possible causes, we are speech of Croatian speakers from two different regions
faced with a possibility of an entirely new re- (Istria and Dalmatia). The spontaneous speech has been
search which could confirm or dismiss the new analyzed in order to present the possible differences on
hypothesis. Nevertheless, in order to distance all structural levels (phonology, prosody, lexis, morpho-
ourselves from any generalizations we leave the syntax) but the analysis is mainly concerned with the us-
interpretation to our reader. age of pauses (duration, overlaps or interruptions in dis-
course). The hypothesis is that the structural levels are
Povzetek influenced by the language itself, while the differences in
pause structure cannot be explained through language
Raziskava je bila narejena na osnovi zvočnih zapisov hr- change, but only through regional and cultural diversi-
vaških govorcev iz dveh regij (Istre in Dalmacije). Spon- fication. The results of the analysis of Croatian speak-
tani govor je bil analiziran z namenom, da se predstavi ers’ speech recordings have additionally been compared
možne razlike na vseh strukturnih ravneh (fonologija, to those of the third group - of Italian speakers from Is-
prozodija, besedišče, oblikoslovje in skladnja), vendar se tria, which may either prove or dismiss the above men-
analiza osredotoča pretežno na rabo premorov (trajanje, tioned hypothesis. The numerical facts illustrate a con-
prekrivanje ali prekinjanje pogovora). Delovna hipote- siderable difference in conversational dynamics of the
za predvideva, da na strukturne ravni vpliva jezik sam, two groups. The analysis revealed that Pula’s speakers
medtem ko razlike v rabi premorov ne moremo razloži- converse using a considerable number of pauses, many
ti na podlagi sprememb v jezikovnih strukturah, pač pa of which are fairly long. On the contrary, Zadar’s speak-
na osnovi regionalnih in kulturnih razlik. Rezultati ana- ers converse in a highly dynamic way. According to
lize zvočnih posnetkov hrvaških govorcev so bili dodat- the analysis, they almost never use neither normal nor
no primerjani s kontrolno skupino italijanskih govorcev longer pauses, and, when they do, they have a rather dis-
iz Istre, ki so služili za potrditev ali ovržbo prej ome- tinctive stylistic effect. Their turns either latch onto or
njene hipoteze. Primerjava v številkah kaže na bistve- intrude into other speakers' turns often continuing in si-
ne razlike v pogovorni dinamiki obeh skupin. Analiza multaneous talk, whereas in Pula’s case the analysis re-
je pokazala, da govorci iz Pulja med pogovorom upora- vealed a rather small percentage of overlaps, majority of
bljajo veliko število premorov, mnogi izmed teh pa so which are categorized as minimal. On the other hand
dokaj dolgi. Prav nasprotno pa se govorci iz Zadra po- comparing Croatian speakers from Pula, the recordings
govarjajo veliko bolj dinamično. Raziskava kaže, da iz- of Italian speakers showed a much smaller percentage
jemno redko uporabljajo navadne ali daljše premore in, of longer pauses substituted with vocalized pauses and
ko to počnejo, imajo le-ti razlikovalno-stilistično funk- with emphatic expressions. Italian speakers from Pula
cijo. Njihovo menjavanje besede se bodisi navezuje bo- are less tolerant towards slower conversational style and
disi posega v sogovorčev govor in pogosto nadaljuje s more flexible to latches, overlaps, interruptions and si-
sočasnim govorom, medtem ko v primeru Pulja je ana- multaneous talk.
liza pokazala dokaj nizek procent prekrivanja, ki je v ve-
čini primerov minimalen. Po drugi strani pa primerjava Reference
med hrvaškimi govorci iz Pulja in posnetki italijanskih
govorcev kaže, da je pri drugih veliko manj daljših pre- Atkinson, Maxwell J., and John Heritage. Struc-
morov, ki jih praviloma zamenjajo vokalna mašila in po- tures of Social Action: Studies in conversa-
udarne fraze. Italijanski govorci iz Pulja so manj toleran- tion Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1984.
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