Page 412 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 412

sequences (Fibonacci) and other mathematical operations. The resulting paintings are of the
abstract type, which for the most part do not show their mathematical provenance and approach
fine art.

Generalizations and the history of the Butterfly theorem

Martina Škorpilová,
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic

The introductory part of the talk is devoted to the relatively well-known Butterfly theorem,
which is the theorem on a circle and its chords. Subsequently, several of its generalizations
are discussed and various combinations of these generalizations are studied. The history of this
theorem is also introduced.

Interactive teaching tools and mathematical student competency:
Pedagogical experiment in higher mathematics courses teaching

Daria Termenzhy,
Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine

The talk is devoted to implementation of various interactive teaching tools into the up-to-date
higher mathematical education. This research reports a six years long experiment which took
place in Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University in Ukraine. The experiment was led by own re-
search group of three academics (including author) of the Faculty of Mathematics and IT (now
Faculty of Information and Applied Technologies). We worked with 14 students of the Faculty
who specialized in Mathematics from 2013/2014 till 2018/2019 academic years. The selec-
tion of students was based on their interest and ownership of appropriate gadgets for studying
(laptop, smartphone, PC, webcam, etc.). The learning was done by carrying out student ac-
tivities with applying interactive tools into several mathematical courses (Analytical Geometry
(2013/2014), Logic (2014/2015), Differential Geometry (2014/2015), Methodology of Teach-
ing Mathematics (2015/2016), History of Mathematics (2016/2017), IT in Teaching Mathemat-
ics (2017/2018), Preparation of Master’s Work (2018/2019). The students used educational in-
teractive portal and distance courses at LMS Moodle developed by author. It included syllabus;
tutorial video lectures; diagnostic tests; links to external webpages with mathematical resources
that explore the different contents of the course; additional tasks (so-called “extraproblems”);
e-lectures with links for downloading; online quizzes and surveys; online consultation mod-
ule; interactive mathematical games; library of students’ scientific projects; discussion forum
panel. We have a long-standing experience of the applying technologies for enhancing the qual-
ity of higher mathematics learning. I started a pilot experiment with applying of educational
interactive portal in freshmen course of Analytical Geometry for Mathematics students at the
University in Fall 2012. This study was preceded our experiment, some results were presented
in author’s PhD thesis and proved the efficiency of applying interactive teaching tools in mathe-
matical course. The test procedure of the experiment consisted of 5 parts: pre-test (Math and IT
literacy), intellectual test (intellectual lability, ambition test), post-test (Math and IT literacy),
several questionnaires and interviews. We also carried out some electronic surveys designed
with applying Google Forms. More detail of this experiment and its results will be covered in
the talk.

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