Page 414 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 414
[2] Weyl, H., David Hilbert and His Mathematical Work. Bulletin of the AMS (50), 1944, pp.
Students’ achievements in solving geometric problems using visual
representations in a virtual learning environment
Amalija Žakelj,
University of Primorska, Faculty of Education, Slovenia
Coauthor: Andreja Klancar
The process of visualization is considered to be indispensable in mathematics learning, specifi-
cally in mathematical problem solving.
The role of visual representations is becoming increasingly important in technology-based
learning. Researchers have presented a variety of frameworks for the optimal use of visual
representations in complex, multimedia environments over the last two decades.
For the purpose of the study presented in this paper, we designed a model of learning ge-
ometry in a virtual learning environment with the use of different learning resources, dynamic
geometry programs and applets, which fosters visualisation and the exploration of geometric
concepts through the manipulation of interactive virtual representations. The instructional de-
sign incorporates Bruner’s (1966) three-stage learning model, where learning activities are de-
signed following a concrete-visual-abstract sequencing of instruction, starting with the concrete
and progressing through visual to abstract representations.
We present the results of an experimental study aimed at exploring (1) whether geome-
try learning in a virtual learning environment (rich in various teaching material and activities,
including dynamics geometry activities, and instructions) is reflected in higher student achieve-
ments in solving geometric problems and (2) whether solving geometric problems with the aid
of visual representations contributes to higher student achievements.
Keywords: mathematical education, geometry, multiple representations, visualization, virtual
learning environment
[2] Weyl, H., David Hilbert and His Mathematical Work. Bulletin of the AMS (50), 1944, pp.
Students’ achievements in solving geometric problems using visual
representations in a virtual learning environment
Amalija Žakelj,
University of Primorska, Faculty of Education, Slovenia
Coauthor: Andreja Klancar
The process of visualization is considered to be indispensable in mathematics learning, specifi-
cally in mathematical problem solving.
The role of visual representations is becoming increasingly important in technology-based
learning. Researchers have presented a variety of frameworks for the optimal use of visual
representations in complex, multimedia environments over the last two decades.
For the purpose of the study presented in this paper, we designed a model of learning ge-
ometry in a virtual learning environment with the use of different learning resources, dynamic
geometry programs and applets, which fosters visualisation and the exploration of geometric
concepts through the manipulation of interactive virtual representations. The instructional de-
sign incorporates Bruner’s (1966) three-stage learning model, where learning activities are de-
signed following a concrete-visual-abstract sequencing of instruction, starting with the concrete
and progressing through visual to abstract representations.
We present the results of an experimental study aimed at exploring (1) whether geome-
try learning in a virtual learning environment (rich in various teaching material and activities,
including dynamics geometry activities, and instructions) is reflected in higher student achieve-
ments in solving geometric problems and (2) whether solving geometric problems with the aid
of visual representations contributes to higher student achievements.
Keywords: mathematical education, geometry, multiple representations, visualization, virtual
learning environment