Page 417 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 417


Organized by Barbara Boldin, University of Primorska, Slovenia

• Solving the selection-recombination equation, Ellen Baake
• Phylogeny and population genetics: The mutation process on the ancestral line,

Enrico Di Gaspero
• Lines of descent in a Moran model with frequency-dependent selection and mutation,

Luigi Esercito
• Evolutionary escape and evolutionary suicide in host-pathogen systems, Eva Kisdi
• Mathematical Modelling of the impact of Quarantine and Isolation-based control

interventions on the Transmission Dynamics of Lassa fever, Chinwendu Emilian Madubueze
• Impulsive multigroup SIS model for spread of modeling multidrug-resistant bacteriae,

Aleksandra Puchalska
• Use of singular perturbation theory in the analysis of epidemic models, Andrea Pugliese
• Basic Reproduction Number for Conservation laws, Jordi Ripoll
• The impact of herd behavior on stochastic competition model, Miljana Stankovic´
• Stochastic Hepatitis C model - conditions for disease extinction, Vuk Vujovic´
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