Page 135 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 135
lic health challenges of the ageing population psihologija / sociala in zdravje starejših odraslih | psychology / social and health of the elderly
in the field of mental health in Slovenia
Olivera Stanojević Jerković, Mateja Vek, Aljaž Brlek
National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction and purpose. With the increase in life expectancy, there are chang-
es in the age structure of the population, and the share of the population over
the age of 65 is growing rapidly. As a result, expenditure on pensions, health
services and long-term care services will increase, as will increase the need for
adapting the environment. The mean challenges in the field of mental health of
the elderly are the growing trends of mental disorders such as depression and
dementia, social exclusion (leads to the poorer information, awareness and ac-
cess to prevention and assistance programs); a high risk of poverty after re-
tirement (especially for women) and the presence of stigma and discrimination
against the elderly. Latter consequently restricts access to the employment,
health care, education, social services and contributes to the exclusion from
decision-making. There are also differences in mental health indicators be-
tween Slovenian regions, as confirmed by the consistently higher suicide rates
among the elderly in the eastern Slovenian regions, especially among men. El-
derly are further restricted in access to health due to poor knowledge of ICT.
In Slovenia, we lag behind in the share of employees in social sector, which is
mainly related to the lag in the development of long-term care at home-envi-
Content presentation. In 2018, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia
adopted the Resolution on the National Mental Health Program 2018−2028
(ReNPDZ). The role of the ReNPDZ is a support of promotion and preven-
tion measures, strengthening and the establishment of a supportive environ-
ment for good mental health of the elderly, as well as the establishment of the
Centers for Mental Health, which complements the existing network. In 2020,
in accordance with the ReNPDZ and the development of an Action plan, an
Interdisciplinary Working Group in the field of mental health promotion and
prevention of the mental disorders in the elderly was established. Members
are representatives of professional institutions, governmental and non-govern-
mental organizations and the target group/users. With common efforts, the
needs of the target population were defined, and main goals were set.
Conclusions. To improve mental health indicators, it will be necessary to en-
sure: greater involvement of the elderly in everyday activities in the local en-
vironment; better accessibility and accessibility of prevention / health promo-
tion programs, including memory impairment, support for relatives and their
relief, as well as empowerment of all other professional and lay public who dai-
ly come into contact with the elderly. Finally, it is essential, since early age and
through whole society, to prevent systemic discrimination against individuals
based on age, which can take many different shapes (stereotypes, prejudices,
abuses, neglect).
Keywords: elderly, mental health, prevention, needs

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