Page 65 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 65
tary antioxidants and aging prehrana in zdravje starejših odraslih | nutrition and health of the elderly
Nives Bogataj Jontez, Nina Mohorko
University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia
Introduction. Aging is a progressive biological process, which affects cell pro-
liferation and functions. Higher age has been linked to lower quality of life,
increased disease risk and increased mortality. Oxidative stress, a condition,
when a cell is exposed to more reactive oxygen species (ROS) than it can in-
stantly degrade, is a well-known accelerating factor of aging. Oxidative stress
causes damage to the body cells and tissues, furthermore it is associated with
chronic conditions such as low-grade inflammation, cardiovascular disease,
cancer, asthma, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases. ROS are produced
in the body by oxygen metabolism and can enter the body from the exter-
nal environment. Environmental factors increasing oxidative load are chron-
ic sun-exposure, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, ultraviolet irra-
diation, pollution and smoking. The harmful effects induced by oxidative stress
can be restrained in a greater part. The aim of present study is to review prov-
en nutritional strategies to reduce ROS effects on the body.
Methods. PubMed and Google Scholar databases were searched with mesh
terms diet, aging, longevity, antioxidant and oxidative stress and their combi-
nations. English language articles published after 2010 were included in narra-
tive review.
Results. Age is linked with the decreased appetite and consumption of an imbal-
anced diet, deficient in many essential nutrients. Unhealthy diet increases ox-
idative stress, on the other hand healthy balanced diet rich in plant food does
not and provides exogenous antioxidants, which was associated with health
benefits, such as decreased oxidative load, lower risk for cardiovascular dis-
ease, type 2 diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, high an-
tioxidants intake has been linked to a prolonged life span. Plant food is high in
polyphenols, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and vitamin E with high antioxidant po-
tential. Nutraceuticals such as fortified food with antioxidants have high anti-
oxidant concentration. Higher fruit and vegetable intake was associated with
higher total plasma antioxidant capacity. The main contributors to total antiox-
idant intake identified for women were coffee and tea, while for men alcoholic
beverages, coffee and tea, followed by fruits and vegetables for both genders.
On the other hand, many vitamin supplements failed to present any beneficial
results against non-communicable diseases. Therefore, nutraceuticals have in-
creasing antioxidant intake potential and were associated with lower cardiovas-
cular risk, improved digestive system and with delayed aging process.
Discussion and conclusions. Food choices and diet quality are very important fac-
tors for delaying aging and increased life quality in older ages. Beside fruit and
vegetable intake, implementing nutraceuticals in diet increases antioxidants in-
take, which are linked to better life quality and prolonged life.
Keywords: aging, antioxidant, diet, oxidative stress

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