Page 136 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 136
Review results
The review of the databases came up with 60 sources. Subsequently, 28 sourc-
es were excluded and 32 texts were selected. The final set of sources includes 6
texts. For a more detailed process of searching the literature in databases, we
used a customized schematic presentation, as enabled by PRISM scheme (Mo-
her et al., 2009).

Data processing description
We focused on professional and scientific articles that contained at least two
key search phrases. The texts were analysed using the “principle of qualitative
content analysis”. The central process of text analysis is open coding (Vogri-
nec, 2008).

zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 134 Results
Table 1 shows the sources included in the literature review (year of publication,
author, typology and objectives of the research, sample and key findings). Us-
ing qualitative analysis of the contents of the sources, 6 categories with corre-
sponding codes (Table 2) were identified: possible risk factors for oral cancer,
awareness of risk factors, balanced diet and physical activity, patients’ need
for information during oral cancer treatment, reducing suicide risk. After
re-checking the contents, codes and categories, we changed the identified cate-
gories into subcategories and placed them under a single category titled Qual-
ity of life with oral cancer, which best describes the objective of literature re-

Table 1: A review of the key findings of the research included in qualitative
content analysis

Author, year Research typology Research objectives Sample Key findings
Risk factors for de-
Rosenquist, 2005 Observation- To assess different n = 128/320 veloping oral cavi-
al study: case risk factors for oral ty cancer are poor
study-reference. cavity cancer; the oral hygiene and ir-
Case-control study influence of factors regular dental care;
on the recurrence Excessive alcohol
or appearance of a consumption (re-
new second prima- currence risk) and
ry tumour. smoking (possi-
ble connection
with death in si-
multaneous diseas-
es; there is a strong
connection be-
tween human pap-
illoma infection
and cancer,
higher probability
of recurrence.
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