Page 137 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 137
hor, year Research typology Research objectives Sample Key findings
Other risk factors:
To ensure preven- tobacco chew-
tive behaviour be- ing, wood dust ex-
Montero and Pa- Systematic litera- fore the disease and posure, genetic
tel, 2015 ture review. proper rehabilita- n = 78 illnesses, insuffi-
cient nutrition, im-
tion after the surgi- mune system
cal procedure. change. Vital to
change lifestyle.
Latino-Martel et Systematic litera- To assess the con- n = 133 Timely diagnosis
al., 2016 ture review. nection between and proper treat-
dietary factors and ment.
cancer. Prevention is the
strongest weapon
To evaluate the against cancer: re- the impact of oral cancer on the quality of life of older patients 135
connection be- duce the consump-
tween patients‘ tion of alcoholic
needs for special beverages, ensure
Retrospective co- care in terms of a balanced diet, be
Schorn et al., 2020 hort study. physiological re- n = 1359 physically active.
A correlation be-
habilitation, fami- tween social ties
ly support and their and depression has
impact on patients’ been proved.
quality of life. The needs for
speech therapy,
Jehn et al, 2021 Retrospective co- To assess the con- n = 1359 physiotherapy and
hort study. nection between breathing exercises
patients’ need for have been fulfilled
information dur- only minimally.
ing the treatment
of oral cancer and Lack of informa-
the quality of life tion regarding the
or the development surgery and possi-
of post-traumatic ble complications.
stress disorder. Established correla-
tions between lack
To determine the of information and
incidence of suicide post-traumatic dis-
in patients suffer- orders.
Systematic litera- ing from head and
Twig et al., 2020 ture review. neck cancer. n = 63 The risk of suicide
in these patients
To evaluate the differs from others
procedures for sui- with cancer.
cide reduction. There is no evi-
dence of interven-
tions to reduce sui-
cidal thoughts and
suicide risk.
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