Page 138 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 138
Table 2: Code allocation by category

Category Subcategories Codes Authors
Oral cavity cancer pa- n=6 n = 25
tients‘ quality of life
Possible risk factors for Excessive alcohol con- Rosenquist, 2005
oral cavity cancer. sumption. Tsai et al., 2014
Heavy, long-term smok- Druesne-Pecollo et al.,
ing, men – women. 2014.
Human papilloma virus Kansky, 2017
infection (HPV).
Disease recurrence.
Other primary tumours.
Simultaneous diseases.

Assessing the disease.
Raising the awareness of
the disease.
Change of lifestyle.
Early diagnosis – ways of Montero and Patel, 2015
zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 136 Raising awareness of risk treatment and rehabili- Giraldi et al., 2017
factors. tation. Kansky, 2017

Reducing the influence
of therapy on shape and
Regular disease moni-

Balanced diet and physi- Excessive weight. Obesi- Montero and Patel, 2015
cal activity. ty. Alcoholic beverages. Latino-Martel et al., 2016
Red and processed meat.
Salty food.

Patients‘ need for care Social connections re- Schorn, 2020
during oral cancer treat- duce depression. Jehn et al., 2021
ment. Speech therapy.
Breathing exercises.

Patients‘ need for infor- Information during Jehn et al., 2021
mation during oral can- treatment. Kansky, 2017
cer treatment. Post-therapy disorders.
Quality of life.

Suicide risk reduction. Mental problems. Twigg et al., 2020
Social support. Schorn, 2020
Emotional problems
during treatment.
Suicide prevention.


Due to all the dimensions of the consequences for the patient and society, spe-
cial attention should be paid to the management of oral cancer. Rosenquist
(2005) used the results of a study a decade and a half ago to link the develop-
ment of cancer in the oral cavity with poor oral hygiene, poor dental care, and
defective complete dentures. The risk can be reduced with regular dental care
and dental hygiene. Furthermore, excessive drinking and smoking do not only
pose a high risk for developing the disease. Based on the results of the research,
Rosenquist points to the possibility of recurrence; in heavy smokers there is a
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