Page 222 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 222
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 220 /kg bw/d were 19% and 57% for sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic older adults, re-
spectively. Intakes lower than 1.2 g/kg bw/d amounted to 69% for the sarco-
penic and 89% for the non-sarcopenic group. Greater daily protein intake in
the sarcopenic group was not reflected in the differences in branch chain ami-
no acid (BCAA) (p = .981) or leucine (p = .931) intake between the two groups.

There were no significant differences in daily intake of carbohydrate (p =
.229), fat (p= .583), and saturated fatty acid (p ≥ .24). Other nutrients like n-3 fatty
acid (U = 544, z = -4.099, p < .001), vitamin D (U = 750, z = -2.721, p = .007), vita-
min K (U = 691, z = -3.116, p = .002), vitamin C (U = 843, z = -2.099, p = .036), vi-
tamin B1 (U = 690, z = -3.112, p = .002), vitamin B7 (U = 680, z = -3.189, p = .001),
and vitamin B9 (U = 589, z = -3.798, p < .001) were all lower in the sarcopenic
compared to the non-sarcopenic group. Intakes of all other nutrients did not dif-
fer between the two groups (p ≥ .062). The proportion of individuals whose usu-
al intake of n-3 fatty acid was below the RDA (Reference dietary values DACH,
2004) was 100% in the sarcopenic group and 83.1% in the nonsarcopenic group.
Vitamin D intake was lower than the RDA in both the sarcopenic and nonsar-
copenic group (in 100% and 87.6% of individuals, respectively). Folic acid in-
take was substantially lower than the RDA in the sarcopenic and nonsarcopenic
group (in 100% and 89.9% of individuals, respectively). Thiamine intake was al-
so lower than the RDA in both the sarcopenic and nonsarcopenic group (92.3%
and 53.9%, respectively). Dietary supplement users in nonsarcopenic group was
9 % (supplement: 9 % vitamin D, 4 % n-3 fatty acid, 2 % vitamin C and 1 % vita-
min B), while none of the sarcopenic participants used supplements.

Table 3: Average daily dietary intakes by non-sarcopenic and sarcopenic
older adults

Characteristic Non sarcopenic Sarcopenic T-test / Mann-Whitney
(n = 89) (n = 26)
Energy (kcal) M (SD) M (SD) p-values
Energy (kcal / kg BM 1809 (375) 1786 (329) .392
/ day)
Protein (g / kg BM / day) 24.9 (6.03) 28.8 (4.75) < .001
Carbohydrates (g)
0.95 (0.24) 1.13 (0.18) < .001
% Energy from Carbo- 221 (55.4) 211 (50.5) .229
Fat (g) 48.9 (6.92) 47.2 (4.91) .172

% Energy from Fat 70.0 (19.8) 72.3 (15.2) .583
BCAA (g) 34.7 (6.51) 36.5 (4.92) .205
Leucine (g) 9.81 (2.37) 9.80 (1.63) .981
Palmitic acid (g) 4.05 (0.95) 4.03 (0.67) .931
Stearic acid (g) 10.5 (3.20) 11.2 (2.20) .249
n-3 fatty acid (g) 4.57 (1.55) 4.74 (0.98) .489
n-6 fatty acid (g) 1.04 (0.76) 0.57 (0.14) < .001
Vitamin D (μg) 8.73 (4.33) 8.36 (3.07) .904
Vitamin E (mg) 4.40 (6.59) 1.44 (0.38) .007
10.1 (2.98) 8.92 (2.09) .062
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