Page 48 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 48
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 46 tate alone caused a 1.8±0.4-fold upregulation and all four added sweeteners in-
duced further upregulation of the CPT1A. When comparing cells in the medi-
um with palmitate alone and cells with added sweetener and palmitate, Stevia
Sugarel showed the most prominent effect. A distinct change in CPT1A ex-
pression was observed, while stavia without the presence of palmitate caused a
slight downregulation (F = 0.7±0.2), with the addition of palmitate, CPT1A ex-
pression markedly increased (F = 6.3±1.1).

Figure 1: Relative expression of the CPT1A gene in medium, medium
with added palmitate, medium with sweeteners and medium with added
sweeteners and palmitate. Ctrl-control, P-Na-palmitate, Nat-Natreen
Classic, Erit-Erythritritol, Hux-Huxol Original and Stev-Stevia Sugarel
Also, with the exception of one sample, the sweeteners increased the ex-
pression of CPT2, as shown in Figure 2. The following changes in gene expres-
sion occurred between the samples of sweeteners in the medium and the cells
in the control medium: Natreen Classic 1.4±0.1-fold up-regulation, erythritol
sweetener 2.3±0.2-fold up-regulation, Huxol Original sweetener 2.5±0.1-fold
up-regulation, Stevia Sugarel sweetener 0.7±0.3-fold down-regulation. Com-
parison of the samples with added sweetener in the presence of palmitate and
those with added palmitate alone showed that the expression increased for
all four sweeteners. Similar to the expression of CPT1A, Stevia Sugarel alone
downregulated the expression but caused an upregulation in the presence of
palmitate. The highest effect was observed for Huxol original, where Huxol
alone caused approximately 2-fold upregulation, but in the presence of palmi-
tate, the upregulation by Huxol was 5.7±0.5-fold. Palmitate itself had no signifi-
cant effect, the CPT2 gene upregulation was only 1.2± 0.1-fold.
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