Page 50 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 50
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 48 Sugarel, where gene expression was slightly lower when added to the medium
alone (F = 2.3±0.6) compared to the cells in the palmitate medium (F = 2.4±0.3),
but later an increase of gene expression in medium with sweetener and palmi-
tate (F = 4.3±0.4) occurred. The greatest effect was observed with the sweeten-
er Huxol Original, where there was a 6.7±0.0 and 8.8±1.5-fold up-regulation in
DGAT2 gene expression.

As shown in Figure 4, the sweeteners with the exception of stevia slight-
ly increased the expression of perilipin-2 (PLIN2). The following changes in
gene expression occurred between the samples of sweeteners in the medium
and the cells in the control medium without additives: in the case of Natreen
Classic 1.6±0.2-fold up-regulation, Erythritol 2.4±0.5-fold up-regulation, Hux-
ol Original 2.2±0.4-fold up-regulation, Stevia Sugarel 0.5±0.1-fold down-reg-
ulation. There was a slight decrease in expression when comparing the cell
sample in the medium and the medium with added palmitate, but it was neg-
ligible. When cells were grown in the media containing palmitate, the results
were similar. The comparison of samples with added sweetener and those with
added sweetener and palmitate, there were major changes in the two samples;
with the addition of palmitate, the expression of PLIN2 in the sweetener Huxol
Original almost halved (from F = 2.2±0.4 to F = 1.3±0.0), which is the only ex-
ample in our study, where sweetener alone had a stronger effect than the sweet-
ener in combination with palmitate. The opposite occurred with the sweeten-
er Stevia Sugarel, where expression greatly increased (from F = 0.5±0.1 to F =
2.6±0.1) in the presence of palmitate.

Figure 4: Relative expression of the PLIN2 gene in medium, medium
with added palmitate, medium with sweeteners and medium with added
sweeteners and palmitate. Ctrl-control, P-Na-palmitate, Nat-Natreen
Classic, Erit-Erythritritol, Hux-Huxol Original and Stev-Stevia Sugarel
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55