Page 49 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 49
Figure 2: Relative expression of the CPT2 gene in medium, medium with the effect of non-nutritive sweeteners on lipid metabolism in liver cells 47
added palmitate, medium with sweeteners and medium with added
sweeteners and palmitate. Ctrl-control, P-Na-palmitate, Nat-Natreen
Classic, Erit-Erythritritol, Hux-Huxol Original and Stev-Stevia Sugarel

Figure 3: Relative expression of the DGAT2 gene in medium, medium
with added palmitate, medium with sweeteners and medium with added
sweeteners and palmitate. Ctrl-control, P-Na-palmitate, Nat-Natreen
Classic, Erit-Erythritritol, Hux-Huxol Original and Stev-Stevia Sugarel
Analysis of DGAT2 gene expression, presented in Figure 3, showed an in-
creased gene expression with the addition of all four sweeteners. There was the
following increase in gene expression between samples of sweeteners in medi-
um and cells in control medium without additives: Natreen Classic 3.6±0.1-fold
up-regulation, Erythritol sweetener 1.4±0.0-fold up-regulation, Huxol sweet-
ener Original 6.7±0.0-fold up-regulation, sweetener Stevia Sugarel 2.3±0.6-fold
up-regulation. With the addition of the Erythritol sweetener to the palmitate
medium (2.4±0.3-fold upregulation compared to control), compared to that in
which there was no Erythritol sweetener but there was palmitate (1.6±0.0 up-
regulation compared to control), we can observe inhibited expression of this
gene by this particular sweetener. A similar situation was observed for Stevia
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