Page 128 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 128

The Media Studies Department opened its doors to the first generation of under-
graduate students in 2008, and a postgraduate program has been running since 2011.
Two “Communication and Media” study programmes are complementarily carried
out at the department: the 1st degree single subject programme (study mode: full-time;
study duration: three years; professional title: Bachelor of Communication and Media)
and the 2nd degree single-subject study programme (study mode: full-time, study du-
ration: two years; professional title: Master of Communication and Media).

The aim of creating and transmitting knowledge is the formation of graduates and
masters who, during their studies, acquire basic knowledge of communication and
media, developed by the communication science, that can be effectively intertwined
with related social sciences and humanist intellectual traditions. Graduates are ac-
quainted with the basic disciplinary highlights, specific to the fields of communicolo-
gy and media studies, and learn about the approaches to the study of social commu-
nication and the structural elements of media systems and information networks.
They learn about modern means of communication, the processes of information
formation, the ways of its reproduction and its impact on information, the econom-
ics of communication, the market logic of media production and consumption, me-
dia influences, effects, and uses, the role of media in shaping political choices and
other areas of the mediatized human life.

Since today’s media and communication conditions are challenging, we try to equip
our students with various theoretical and practical skills that open up opportuni-
ties for work in media, analytics, research and business institutions and environ-
ments, in the creative industry and the sector of information-communication tech-
nologies, governmental and non-governmental organisations and alternative forms
of work or employment in Slovenia and abroad. The lecturers on both study pro-
grammes seek to provide a modern, varied and high-quality study of contents in
the field of communication and media, enabling: smaller groups and a more indi-
vidual approach; pursuing study practice in media organizations; a close interweav-
ing of pedagogical and scientific and research work; comparing theory and empirics;
the possibility of study exchanges abroad; promoting critical thinking about media;

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