Page 136 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 136
The exhibition of photos of 100 Days of Solitude or How not to Become an Influ-
encer was the result of the project work on the subject of Visual Communica-
tion (holder: Prof. Ernest Ženko). Students devoted themselves to the issues
of the ontology of photographic media and took 100 photos on the chosen
topic within 100 days and regularly posted them on their Instagram profile un-
der the key #vk201920 (exhibition date: 29. 1. 2020).
- The production of a short documentary film Barufe Istrian style (screenwriter:
Sabrina Husejnović, editor: Emanuel Lipovac) created by the students of the
class Audio-visual Practicum (holder: Prof. Vlado Kotnik) under the mentorship
of Dr Karmen Medica and in cooperation with RTV Slovenia, the Koper the-
atre and PINA, based on the play Barufe, a comedy about the lives of fishing
families (premiere: 22. 5. 2018).
- The participation in the campaign “Lent your foot” (awareness campaign on the
consequences of using anti-personnel mines) within the class Marketing and
Marketing Communication (holder: Dr Sandra Bašić Hrvatin), for which the en-
tire class of students in 2012/2013 received the Bartol award for above-aver-
age achievements in the field of extracurricular activities and the contribution
to the recognition of the faculty.
Prepared by: Prof. Vlado Kotnik, PhD, and Assist. Prof. Tadej Prapotnik, PhD
encer was the result of the project work on the subject of Visual Communica-
tion (holder: Prof. Ernest Ženko). Students devoted themselves to the issues
of the ontology of photographic media and took 100 photos on the chosen
topic within 100 days and regularly posted them on their Instagram profile un-
der the key #vk201920 (exhibition date: 29. 1. 2020).
- The production of a short documentary film Barufe Istrian style (screenwriter:
Sabrina Husejnović, editor: Emanuel Lipovac) created by the students of the
class Audio-visual Practicum (holder: Prof. Vlado Kotnik) under the mentorship
of Dr Karmen Medica and in cooperation with RTV Slovenia, the Koper the-
atre and PINA, based on the play Barufe, a comedy about the lives of fishing
families (premiere: 22. 5. 2018).
- The participation in the campaign “Lent your foot” (awareness campaign on the
consequences of using anti-personnel mines) within the class Marketing and
Marketing Communication (holder: Dr Sandra Bašić Hrvatin), for which the en-
tire class of students in 2012/2013 received the Bartol award for above-aver-
age achievements in the field of extracurricular activities and the contribution
to the recognition of the faculty.
Prepared by: Prof. Vlado Kotnik, PhD, and Assist. Prof. Tadej Prapotnik, PhD