Page 137 - Lazar, Irena, ur. 2022. Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije – 20 let / University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities – 20 years. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 137

The undergraduate studies offered by the Department of Applied Linguistics take
place within the Intercultural Language Mediation Bachelor’s degree programme. The
programme is subdivided into three tracks: English-Italian, English-French and Eng-
lish-Slovenian. In addition to their tier, students also choose an additional foreign
language course (a lectureship), which may either be Russian, Spanish or Chinese.
Thus, during their studies, students gradually develop their communicative profi-
ciency in three languages, acquaint themselves with the respective cultural charac-
teristics, master translation techniques and learn to use the current computer-as-
sisted translation tools. Our language courses are also very popular with students
from other study programmes.

A trait specific to studying languages at the Faculty of Humanities (University of Pri-
morska) is a compulsory placement abroad in the third year of the programme,
which enables students to practice and further develop their multilingual and inter-
cultural skills. When choosing their placement, students may choose a European
or non-European country. In either case, they return to the university freshly ener-
gised and equipped with valuable experience gained during their internship at lan-
guage centres, NGOs or tourist agencies. Thus, with the competences acquired
through their studies, our graduates are qualified to seek employment in the sec-
tors of tourism, international business, marketing, administration of the European
Union, at cultural institutions and translation agencies.

The Department provides students with the possibility of continuing their studies
at the postgraduate level. Its Language Mediation and Translation Master’s degree pro-
gramme is open to all students who wish to work as translators and have an ad-
equate level of proficiency in the chosen languages. The programme offers two
tracks: English-French and English-Italian. The three specialised modules allow stu-
dents to develop expertise in either business, literary or legal translation. Our grad-
uates are qualified to work in both business and non-business environments, where
they can deploy their linguistic skills and their in-depth understanding of social and
cultural processes at the local, national and international levels. Our graduates are

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