Page 122 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 122
ja Krajnčan in Katja Frangež

these children than distance learning (‘These children receive more help and
encouragement during lessons at school (»live«) than in distance learning,’
‘These children learn faster at school (»live«),’ ‘These children’s concentra-
tion is higher in school (»live«) than in distance learning’). On the other hand,
the respondents expressed the lowest agreement with the statement ‘I paid
more attention to these children during distance learning than I normally
do at school (»live«),’ from which we may conclude that the respondents are
aware of the diversity of treatment and work with vulnerable groups of chil-
dren and have transferred such practices or sought to transfer them from the
school environment to the virtual distance learning environment.

We wanted to discover which groups of children felt the impact of the
COVID-19 epidemic the most. We assumed that these were younger children,
that is, children in lower elementary education, as they are less independent
and more dependent on the help of adults, according to the responses by
classroom and subject teachers, as well as the responses by the providers of
additional professional help. Among teachers, 66.7 of classroom teachers
and 45.2 of subject teachers chose this group of children, although we must
also take into consideration that subject teachers had less contact with chil-
dren in lower elementary education, compared to classroom teachers, so this
is the reason the percentage is lower. This group was followed by children in
the last triad of elementary education in Slovenia (25 for classroom teachers
and 32.2 for subject teachers), leaving the least votes for children in upper
elementary education (second triad) (8.3 for classroom teachers and 22.6
for subject teachers). Among the providers of additional professional assis-
tance, the group of children from 1st to 3rd grade was chosen by 45.2 of
respondents, followed by children from 7th to 9th grade (32.2), while the
children from 4th to 6th grade were chosen the least (22.6).

We were particularly interested in the impact of the measures to contain
the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic on the vulnerable groups of children
who already need a fundamentally different approach to education due to
their diversity. For the implementation of the principle of equal opportuni-
ties and optimal development of the individual, which is also one of the prin-
ciples of primary school, stated in the White Paper (Ministrstvo za šolstvo in
šport 2011), individual treatment of each child is therefore crucial and neces-
sary. All students, regardless of their individual characteristics, must have the
opportunity for optimal development. Resulting from this, our interest was
focused on how this period of distance learning affected vulnerable groups
of children, seeking answers with the help of statements.

Regarding the statement ‘These children [vulnerable groups of children]

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