Page 119 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 119
Vulnerable Groups of Children from the Perspective of Additional Professional Assistance . . .

Research Methodology
We examined the problem with a quantitative research approach. The data
collection instrument was a survey, and the research method was the de-
scriptive research and causal-non-experimental method. Based on the pro-
cessing of the obtained data, we confirmed or refuted the research hypothe-
ses, based upon our set goals. The research involved the providers of addi-
tional professional assistance, as well as teachers of primary and secondary
education, more specifically, employees in majority primary schools, which
excludes the schools with adapted programmes with lower educational stan-
dards, and special education programmes. A casual pattern was used, while
the invitation to complete the survey was sent to school e-mail addresses
of providers of additional professional assistance and/or learning support at
selected schools or to the e-mail of the school (administration office or prin-
cipal), where the school website did not list employees’ e-mails.

The questionnaire was completed by 125 respondents, of which 88 were
female and 11.2 were male (one respondent (0.8) did not want to disclose
their gender). Most men were employed as subject teachers (8 subject teach-
ers or 20 of all those surveyed employed in subject level teaching), some as
providers of additional professional assistance (3 providers or 8.3 of all sur-
veyed employed as providers of additional professional assistance), while the
least represented among the surveyed employees were male class teachers
(3 class teachers or 6.3 of all surveyed employed in classroom level teach-
ing). The majority of all respondents were employed as teachers at class-
room level teaching (38.4), followed by teachers from subject level teaching
(32) and providers of additional professional assistance (28.8). One person
(0.8) who is employed through public works to help learners with learning
difficulties, also participated in the survey. Moreover, the χ2 test of the hy-
pothesis of equal probability (χ2 = 41.432, g = 3, P = 0.000) also shows that
there are statistically significant differences between the jobs of the respon-
dents, expressing that the research involved a very diverse group of profes-
sionals, which is positive in the fact that it offers different views on the topic.
Nevertheless, we must be aware of a certain degree of indoctrination already
existing with each job profile.

The respondents were asked to express their level of agreement with the vari-
ables related to the measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic and the level
of agreement with the variables regarding vulnerable groups of children.

Table 1 presents the level of agreement with certain variables regarding

   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124