Page 120 - Drobnič Janez, Pelc Stanko, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Česnik Katarina, Cotič Nastja, Volmut Tadeja. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje v času covida-19. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 120
ja Krajnčan in Katja Frangež

Table 1 Number of Respondents (f ) Who Responded to the Statements Regarding
the COVID-19 Epidemic and Restrictive Measures and the Average Value (X)
of Agreeing with a Certain Statement

Statements f X
The COVID- epidemic affected the students.  .
 .
The COVID- epidemic affected the teachers.  .
 .
The measures to contain the spread of COVID- in the field of primary ed- 
ucation were appropriate. .
Distance learning has taught students new computer skills. .
Not all children were provided with equal opportunities for distance learn- .
ing (lack of computer equipment, larger families, lower social status of fam-  .
ilies, living in remote locations with weak internet connection, etc.).  .
 .
Prolonged periods of distance learning led to an increase in children’s 
problems (slower and weaker acquisition of knowledge, decline in knowl-
edge, difficulties in acquiring new knowledge, decreased motivation, the
emergence of emotional and behavioural problems, etc.).

Prolonged periods of distance learning will have consequences for chil-
dren’s mental health, leading to the possibility of problems with further ed-
ucation and everyday life.

The COVID- epidemic affected the motor development of children.

The COVID- epidemic affected the speech and language development of

The COVID- epidemic affected children’s mental health.

The COVID- epidemic affected the development of children’s social skills.

Notes 1 – ‘I do not agree at all,’ 5 – ‘I strongly agree.’

the COVID-19 epidemic and the related measures to contain the spread of
the virus. They were answered by all the respondents, regardless of their po-
sition, year of employment in the field of education, place of employment,
etc. The respondents expressed their level of agreement on the scale from 1
to 5, with 1 meaning ‘strongly disagree’ and 5 meaning ‘strongly agree,’ which
in the last column (X) reveals the degree of (dis)agreement with an individual
statement – the closer the number is to the value 1, the lower the agreement
with the statement in question and the closer the number is to the value 5,
the higher the agreement with that statement.

The respondents mostly agree with the statement ‘Longer distance learn-
ing led to an increase in children’s problems (slower and weaker acquisition
of knowledge, decline in knowledge, difficulties in acquiring new knowl-
edge, decreased motivation, the emergence of emotional and behavioural
problems, etc.)’ followed by the statement on the impact on teachers and
students and the impact on children’s motor development and the develop-

   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125