Page 17 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 17
ackground to LanGuide
Language-Learning Framework

Neva Čebron
University of Primorska, Slovenia

Emma Beatriz Villegas Cunja
University of Primorska, Slovenia

The paper focuses first on the novelties introduced to foreign language
learning by m a l l and mLearning, thus drawing an overview of recently
published research into unique affordances they offer and implications they
have for a new language learning methodology. Secondly, we discuss the
framework for foreign language learning materials for 6 languages (English,
Croatian, Italian, Romanian, Slovenian and Spanish) adapted to mobile de-
vices, while also providing a description of the structure of the lsp modules
for language for academic purposes, secretarial or administrative purposes,
mobility and it language needs. The range and variety of modules represent
the core feature of the LanGuide App, which is a result of intertwining ex-
pertise of foreign language teachers and researchers with it developers and
researchers from 6 tertiary institutions in 5 e u countries (Slovenia, Croa-
tian, Romania, Spain and Sweden) within the international consortium of
the LanGuide Project.¹ The results of this enterprise lead to re-evaluation
of some teaching approaches and suggest recommendations for teaching
practitioners and materials developers engaging in mLearning.

Keywords: eLearning, mLearning, teaching approaches, LanGuide project,

The objective of this paper is to examine the salient theory and research
about mobile learning (henceforth mLearning) in the field of foreign lan-
guage acquisition, so as to complement theoretical insights with examples
of implementation of the novel approaches. A related aim is to assess to
what extent lessons learned from earlier published research can inform

¹ This research was carried out as one of the activities within the LanGuide project (k a 2-
h e/19, Strategic Partnerships), funded under the Erasmus+ programme of the European
Commission. The project ran between September 2019 and August 2022.

Čebron, N., Cergol Gabrovec, J., & Romanowski, P. (Eds.). (2022). LanGuide
project: Research and professional insights. University of Primorska Press.
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