Page 18 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 18
a Čebron and Emma Beatriz Villegas Cunja

the design technology and pedagogy for mLearning of the new LanGuide
App, developed within the LanGuide project.

The language-learning materials developed within the project rely on the
presupposition that language usage in an internationalized academic en-
vironment is tightly connected to practical everyday situations of a so-
journer where an app can make a difference, for instance when seeking
to make themselves understood and communicate own meaning in typical
everyday situations within mobility exchanges. An app cannot solve all lan-
guage issues when engaging with a variety of situations in a new country
and a new academic institution. However, informal learning with content
that can be useful and shared with others, is suggested to enhance lan-
guage learning, add to the pace of integration and help provide a smooth
transition to a new studying or working environment.

After a lengthier analysis of earlier pertinent research, the paper dis-
cusses the framework that helped structure the language-learning mate-
rials within the LanGuide project and guided the technical design of the
LanGuide App. The approaches adopted in designing the language mod-
ules and the underlying pedagogy are presented, followed by a discussion
on the effectiveness and/or shortcomings of the methodology adopted. Fi-
nally, a few suggestions for further integration of eLearning methodology
and resources into practices of foreign language learning are also briefly

Learning with mobile devices is rapidly entering the mainstream of ed-
ucation (Johnson et al., 2014) and learning of foreign languages seems to
have a particularly prominent role in these endeavours. However, there
are still limitations imposed by technical affordances of the mobile devices
that can bound the pedagogical exploits of a resourceful language teacher.

Thus, the paper tries to answer the questions regarding the pedagogi-
cal principles, which should guide development of language-learning ma-
terials for mLearning, which approaches adopted in designing language-
learning materials for mLearning can be considered similar to those di-
recting textbook production, and summarizes the lessons, which can be
learned to successfully implement autonomous language learning on mo-
bile devices.

Considerations on Traditional Language Learning, eLearning
and mLearning
According to recent research on education in a technology-oriented world,
future learning in higher education will presume independence and in-

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