Page 30 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 30
a Čebron and Emma Beatriz Villegas Cunja

Table 1.2 Italian Module: Students Mobility – Basic Level

Students Mobility – basic Topic: Choosing the destination Application
Language Grammar
Content Skills Culture Communication Types of exer.

Countries Listening National Self- Io sono Names of Spelling Matching
and nations Speaking flags, sym- presentation Gender (sin- Multiple
and lan- bols Lara/italiana/ countries, gular) choice
guages Gli articoli
Capital cities rom- languages, determina- Matching
tivi Deriva-
ena/spagnola nations tion of adjec-
Parlo lo



Io vengo

dalla Svezia

Travel Reading Simple ques- Da dove sei? Country/City Presente
Speaking tions/answers Dove vai? map Domande
Street, road,
Come vai? alley, square
Quando vai?

Destinations Listening Tourist sites Asking for Quando Means of Coniugazione Multiple
Speaking directions parte? transport
Quando Pronomi choice
Quanto personali Matching
Come si ar-

Review Quiz Odd man out

Numbers, Reading Asking/saying time&date Time&dates Numerals Matching
timetables, Speaking Buying tickets Pronunciation
hours&days of language
special sounds

Name & Ad- Speaking Giving information Telephone/ Jumbled
dress house/room sentences
Review Quiz

Campus: Reading Student life Finding info Buildings Prepositions Matching
buildings (dorms,
canteen, Polite forms Matching
Halls/Offices Listening Level of for- Addressing strangers halls . . . Verb-noun
at u n i mality Types of ser- collocations Drag and
vices, titles Nouns (c, drop
Making Speaking Greetings Descriptions u n) Close test
friends and good- Asking for opinions Accommo-
byes dation,


closed to open exercises, from receptive to productive ones and from pre-
dictable to unpredictable use of language. Due to limited technical possi-
bilities of creating different types of interactive exercises for mLearning,
mainly the stages from closed to open exercises (spelling exercises; transla-
tion, matching and exercises to rephrase meaning, or multiple choice exer-
cises and gap-filling exercises) and from receptive to productive use of lan-
guage (typical tasks include finishing sentences or texts, answering ques-
tions about a text or audio input) have been implemented.

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