Page 33 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 33
Background to LanGuide Language-Learning Framework

based learning activities could not be successfully implemented. Further-
more, the cycle of goal, action, feedback could only partly be respected.
All these considerations lead to the overall conclusion that the resources
on the LanGuide App would best be exploited as a set of complementary
practice opportunities supporting teacher led, formalized learning activi-


Mobile language learning has altered the approach to language acquisition
and the LanGuide App reflects these changes in a variety of ways. The mo-
bility, portability, and ubiquity of mobile apps have been taken into ac-
count in the structure of its modules and in the types of exercises provided.
The manner of language acquisition that provides a sense of freedom and
self-management seems to be the main motivating factors in mLearning,
however, the initial excitement upon discovering a new mobile app for lan-
guage learning may taper quickly and lead to attrition among learners at a
second stage. Thus, we conclude with the suggestion that productive for-
eign language acquisition should complement foreign language learning
based on technology-mediated self-study packages with guidance and sup-
port of teachers, or else be combined with structured language courses in
traditional setting at the present stage of technology development.

In future, particular attention should be devoted to further investiga-
tion of learning strategies and learning styles compatible with the use
of mobile technology. An exciting development may also be found in ex-
panding the interaction on mobile devices to its full range (e.g. chats,
e-mails, social media, video calls, e-libraries and similar), thus overcom-
ing the repetitive exercise typology restricting materials development at
present. At the same time, learning methodology could enhance produc-
tive forms of language learning. Such improvements can have a crucial
impact on both language instructors and learners of foreign languages, as
well as help materials writers and software developers to arrive at optimal
mLearning solutions. We are happy to consider the LanGuide App as a
small step in this direction.

Anderson, L. W., Krathwohl, D. R., Airasian, P. W., Cruikshank, K. A., Mayer,

R. E., Pintrich, P. R., Raths, J., & Wittrock, M. C. (Eds.). (2001). A taxon-
omy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy
of Educational Objectives. Longman.

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