Page 81 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 81
ile Learning of Language for Specific Purposes: From Course Design to User Testing

Table 3.6 Please Answer the Following Statements Regarding Your Experience
with the LanGuide App by Putting a Tick in the Appropriate Slot

Statement () () () () ()

Appropriateness     
Variety     
Vocabulary     
Terminology     
Grammar     
Feedback     
Independency     
Enjoyed     

Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) strongly agree, (2) agree, (3) neutral, (4) dis-
agree, (5) strongly disagree.

the appropriateness of the exercises for the chosen language level. They
are also mostly satisfied with the exercises that introduced useful vocab-
ulary, terminology, and grammar. It also appeared that most participants
felt that the exercises promoted independent language learning. The low-
est rated aspects of the app, which need further consideration by the de-
velopment team, are the variety of exercises offered and the opportunities
for better self-monitoring and feedback.


This chapter describes the process of learning a language for specific pur-
poses on a mobile device. As a result of the e u-funded project Language
Guidance Tool for Improving Language Knowledge (LanGuide), a freely ac-
cessible learning application was created that includes English, Croatian,
Slovenian, Spanish, Romanian, and Italian. The tool offers exercises for ba-
sic, intermediate, and advanced levels of language knowledge. For each
level, there are exercises for developing speaking, writing, listening, and
reading skills, as well as grammar and vocabulary exercises. There are also
three different categories of target users: university teachers, university
students, and administrative staff. The specialist domains that the tool fo-
cuses on are language for academic purposes, language for secretarial pur-
poses, language for mobility purposes, and language for i t. This chapter
described the process of creating and evaluating the modules for English
for Academic Purposes and English for i t.

The chapter includes the description of the modules for English for Aca-
demic Purposes and English for i t as well as the development of an e s p

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