Page 91 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 91
Retrieval and Use of Erasmus+-based Documents

– Math and music
– Sustainability, ecology, environment, world of tomorrow
– Accessibility and inclusion/usability in public spaces
– Finding job and employment
– Professional internship Master’s programme organization
– Advanced courses and research training in neuroscience
– Doping prevention and peer learning
– Anti-doping fight through fitness and exercise
– Master’s in fire safety engineering
– Sustainable partners for apprenticeship
– Teenagers getting inspired by working with the Zoom application
– Sport fans against violence
– Becoming and staying an active member in the society
– Non-formal learning
– Social integration
– Social inclusion of visually-impaired people
– Consequences of the 1st World War
– Cooperation of European conservatoires
– Erasmus+ project results
– Primary school language projects
– Fostering inclusiveness and authenticity in learning environments
– Chess in students’ skills
– Building a more livable city
– Building a city of tomorrow
– Public policies
– Importance of sports in the life of people with disabilities
– Youth creative training
– European cultural heritage
– Job hunters, employees and employers
– The Erasmus student network
– Erasmus Mundus Alumni’s academic study abroad
– Erasmus+ Ambassadors autumn training
– Apprenticeship and sustainability
– Teaching climate change with eTwinning

The topic of Erasmus+ programme-related documents (2) revealed fifty-six re-
lated subtopics:

– Strategic partnership

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