Page 87 - LanGuide Project: Research and Professional Insights
P. 87
etrieval and Use of Erasmus+-based
Documents in Preparing LanGuide
Academic Mobility Exercises

Ivo Fabijanić
University of Zadar, Croatia

The article presents the stages of preparation of academic mobility exer-
cises for the three groups of specific participating users of the LanGuide
app: administrative staff, university teachers, and students (undergraduate
and graduate) at different levels of linguistic competency (basic, interme-
diate, advanced), within the LanGuide – Erasmus+ project (ka2-he-01/19),
by the use of a descriptive method. The LanGuide project is aimed at pro-
moting foreign language acquisition, inclusive education and excellence in
teaching. It offers a tool for language guidance, i.e. guidance in learning and
acquisition of languages for specific purposes. For this specific reason of de-
veloping a mobile phone application, our aim in preparing the exercises for
academic mobility was to accommodate as many documents and informa-
tion about mobility projects as possible, and to put a special emphasis on
teaching and improving the knowledge of specific academic mobility termi-
nology, expressions and phrasemes, promoting better and quality socioed-
ucational, cultural, intercultural and communicational issues, for both indi-
vidual and group users.
Keywords: LanGuide, Erasmus+ documents, language learning, academic
mobility, exercise preparation

The LanGuide (abbreviated from language guidance) project¹ is focused on
internationalisation of tertiary education, the growing use of digital learn-
ing and supporting the creation of flexible learning pathways, which are in
line with the users’ needs and objectives (Kompara Lukančič & Fabijanić,
2020, p. 34). eu language policy (European Union 2022) promotes interna-
tional mobility (Schenk & Schmidt, 2018; Standley, 2015) and intercultural
understanding, language acquisition and multilingualism, thus represent-
ing the crucial elements in learning and maintaining of two foreign lan-
guages in addition to learners’ use and knowledge of their mother tongue


Čebron, N., Cergol Gabrovec, J., & Romanowski, P. (Eds.). (2022). LanGuide
project: Research and professional insights. University of Primorska Press.
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