Page 19 - InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2022
P. 19
lysis and implementation of veneer production waste in order to
design decorative wall panels

Domagoj Mamić1, Marija Krajnović2, Dina Stober 2, Vlatka Jirouš-Rajković1, Danijela Domljan1*

1 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Svetošimunska cesta 23, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia,,,
2 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek, Vladimira Preloga 3, 31000 Osijek, Croatia,,
* Corresponding author: Danijela Domljan,

Increasing concern for the preservation of the environment aims to reduce natural changes, which ultimately
causes greater social changes. As social changes occur, so do changes in the professional approach in the field of
technology, production, and design. It is very important nowadays to rethink technology and processes in order
to reduce production waste and design better products for a more sustainable future (Fell, 2010).

Based on such an approach, a research and development project is being implemented with the goal of increasing
the use of oak logs in the company Spačva Ltd., Vinkovci, Croatia. The aim of this research is to determine what
is the residue from the production of oak veneer (Lutz, 1978) and how that residue can be shaped into the design
of a new decorative wall panel product.

An example of a possible public application of decorative wall panels, such as school classrooms, was analyzed to
define the most common wall dimensions. Ratios of proportions were obtained for the development of the final
geometry when designing the wall module.

The results show that with an innovative approach, a large amount of raw material waste can be exploited and
processed into a new product such as decorative wall covering. Further research is moving in the direction of
confirming the positive impact on the natural environment, built environment (well-being) as well as the overall
business of the company.

Keywords: wood waste, wall covering, decorative panels, veneer, product design

Acknowledgment: This paper is written within the framework of a research project Research and development
of innovative wooden wall coverings, partitions and load-bearing walls for sustainable construction in the
company Spačva Ltd., KK., funded by the European Regional Development Fund in Croatia OP
Competitiveness and cohesion 2014.-2020., Strengthening the economy by applying research and innovation.


Fell, D. R., 2010. Wood in the human environment: restorative properties of wood in the built indoor environment.
PhD thesis. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Lutz, J.F., 1978. Wood veneer: Log selection, cutting and drying. Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture,
Technical Bulletin; No.: 1577. 137p

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