Page 23 - InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2022
P. 23
Communication of sustainable construction topics through
social media

Lea Primožič1*, Andreja Kutnar1,2

1 InnoRenew CoE, Livade 6a, 6310 Izola, Slovenia,,
2 University of Primorska, Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper, Slovenia,
* Corresponding author

Marketing and communication strategies are an important tool for reaching the general public and creating
legitimacy and acceptability of the topic you are communicating about. The developments in communication
technologies have led to the rise of digital platforms and social media. By sharing messages on social media, a
wider audience can be reached and a platform for engagement can be created. However, it is important to know
what kind of messages to share, and to understand the differences between the various social media channels.
In this study we investigated what kind of messages should be shared on institutional social media channels
(Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) about topics related to sustainable construction (Engineered wood composites
with enhanced impact sound insulation performance to improve human well-being), in order to further engage the
audience (e.g. general public) and consequently influence a change in behaviour. Weekly posts (from May 2022
until August 2022) were shared and the created engagement was monitored and recorded. We created three
types of content that varied weekly: a) text-based information related to the research field of wood composites,
sound insulation, building acoustics, human well-being, and modelling of the floating floor and project research
activities, b) displaying images related to the project research activities and research equipment used, with a
short text caption of the image, c) photographs of researchers working on the project research activities and
using research equipment, with a short text caption of the image. Preliminary results of the study showed
which type of messages shared on social media channels created more engagement of the general public, and
possible differences in engagement among the three social media channels. Results can help communication
practitioners and researchers to improve their communication and dissemination activities on social media and
to more effectively promote their research project activities related to new concepts of sustainable construction.

Keywords: sustainable construction, communication strategies, digital platforms, type of content

Acknowledgement: Authors gratefully acknowledge the European Commission for funding the InnoRenew
CoE project (Grant Agreement #739574) under the Horizon2020 Widespread-Teaming program and the
Republic of Slovenia (Investment funding of the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union of the European
regional Development Fund), and the Slovenian Research Agency for funding the project J4-3087.

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