Page 105 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 105
the Roman material culture? Is it right to use it, and raziskav in na nove najdbe posod iz črnega stekla z na- čr no steklo, da ali ne? : nove najdbe posod iz na pogled čr nega stekla 105
how to accurately define it? How to describe these ves- šega prostora, še posebej, ker je bilo območje JV Alp in
sels and other products so that it will be professionally tudi Jadrana za zdaj s tovrstnimi izdelki zelo skromno
appropriate and widely accepted? zastopano.
Black glass is glass that is so intensely coloured that it is Raziskave črnega stekla na območju zahodnih provinc
opaque and seemingly black. Only by using strong light rimskega imperija so pokazale, da so bili ti izdelki pri-
that goes through the product, it can be determined ljubljeni v dveh obdobjih. Prvo sodi v 1. stol. n. št., na-
which colour is dominant. In this article, we would like tančneje v obdobje med vlado cesarja Tiberija in dina-
to draw attention to the aforementioned issue, the state stije Flavijcev, posode pa so bile izdelane tako z uporabo
of research and new findings of black glass vessels from kalupov kot s prostim pihanjem. Drugo obdobje proi-
our region; especially since the southeastern Alpine zvodnje posod iz črnega stekla sodi v čas od sredine 2.
area, as well as the Adriatic, has been only modestly rep- do zadnje četrtine 3. stol., ko nastajajo pretežno prosto
resented by such products. pihani izdelki. Za razliko od posod so nakit iz črnega
Research on black glass from the western provinces of stekla izdelovali v večjih količinah in skozi celotno im-
the Roman Empire showed that these products were perialno obdobje, še posebej je bilo razširjeno od druge
popular over two periods. The first belongs to the 1st polovice 2. stol.
century AD more specifically, during the period be- V članku poleg vrča s Ptuja predstavljamo nove najdbe
tween the reign of Emperor Tiberius and the Flavian posod iz črnega stekla z našega prostora (izdelanih v ka-
dynasty, and the vessels were made using both moulds lupu) in izbrane oblike nakitnih predmetov. Upamo, da
and free blowing. The second period of production of bo predstavitev te problematike spodbudila nadaljnje
black glass bowls dates from the middle of the 2nd to the študije tovrstnega gradiva.
last quarter of the 3rd century when mainly free-blown
products were made.
Unlike bowls, black glass jewellery was made in large
quantities and throughout the imperial period, par-
ticularly since the second half of the 2nd century, when
it expanded.
In addition to the jug from Ptuj, the article presents new
finds of black glass vessels from our area (mould-made)
and selected forms of jewellery items. It is hoped that
the presentation of this issue and the state of research
will encourage further studies of this kind of material.


V Ptujskem arheološkem zborniku je kolega Tušek leta 1993
objavil izsledke raziskav na ptujski obvoznici. V eni od
sond je bil v rimskem grobu 4 priložen ovalen vrč, nare-
jen iz na pogled črnega stekla. Kaj pomeni izraz »črno
steklo« v rimski materialni kulturi? Ali je prav, da ga
uporabljamo, in kako ga natančno opredelimo? Kako
opisati te posode in druge izdelke, da bo strokovno
ustrezno in splošno sprejeto? Črno steklo je steklo, ki je
tako intenzivno obarvano, da je neprosojno in na pog-
led črno. Šele z močno lučjo, ki presvetli izdelek, lahko
ugotovimo, katera barva je prevladujoča. V članku želi-
mo zato opozoriti na omenjeno problematiko ter stanje
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