Page 11 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 11

Zrinka Mileusnić

On the initiative of the International The author of the monograph, an interna- 11
Commission on Glass (ICG), ICOM tionally renowned researcher of ancient glass,
Glass and the Community of Glass who also organized the 19th World Conference
Associations (CGA), the United Nations Ge- of Glass Researchers in 2012 in Slovenia (AIHV
neral Assembly declared the International Year – Association Internationale pour l‘histoire du
of Glass 2022 – IYOG 2022 on 18 May 2021.1 verre), introduces the research on ancient glass
Among the 1.100 supporters plus of the initia- in Slovenia and its surrounding area through a
tive from 74 countries, were also Slovenia and set of articles, which are the fruit of her resear-
the Faculty of Humanities of the University of ch during the past decade. The articles are ar-
Primorska. ranged into three main sections. The first secti-
on, entitled “The Development of Glassmaking
Various events throughout the world, or- in the South-East Alpine Area and Its Vicini-
ganized within the remit of the International ty”, consists of two review articles on the deve-
Year of Glass, have drawn attention to the sig- lopment of ancient glassmaking, and presents
nificant role that glass occupies in today‘s life, the results of the latest research endeavours in
as well as highlighting the scientific, technolo- the territory. Among other points of discussi-
gical and economic importance of this transpa- on, the section highlights evidence of the local
rent material, which has often been overlooked. production of Roman glass in Celeia, and Poe-
Glass is also an extremely important medium in tovio, along with new finds in neighbouring co-
the art and its historical evolvement forms an in- untries. An exceptional find of an oil lamp depi-
separable part of the progress and development cting a Roman glass furnace from the Križišče
of humanity. site near Spodnje Škofije and Koper in Slovenia
represents one of the most important discoveries
The aim of the International Year of Glass of the 21st century on a global scale.
2022 was to celebrate the past, present and futu-
re of such an extraordinary and adaptable mate- The second section, entitled “Sites and Fin-
rial, while also following the goals of the United ds”, brings forth in-depth studies of the materi-
Nations’ 2030 Agenda. The monograph entitled als presented in the introduction. These studies
Pogled skozi steklo/A Look through the Glass wi- are the result of extensive research into ancient
shes to emphasize the role of glass in the progress glass discovered while investigating the archae-
and development of humankind throughout ological finds retrieved during the constructi-
history, as well as to present the role and impor- on of the highway cross in Slovenia. The focus is
tance of scientific research on ancient glass, both principally on sets of findings, which represent
within research institutions and museums. coherent wholes, thus highlighting their excep-
tional worldwide significance. Special attenti-
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