Page 12 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 12
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 12 on is drawn to the finds of mould-made early part of the all-Slovenian museum project Along
imperial monochrome glass, a rich set of luxu- the Glass Trail.
rious decoloured glass with incised decoration
from the site of Ribnica near Brežice (Romula), The present monograph is thus the result of
and imports of mould-made vessels, particularly many years of archaeological research in the fi-
a beaker signed by Master Ennion, notably the eld of the material culture of antiquity, and also
first such find in Slovenia so far, as well as new wishes to pave the way for the promotion of sci-
fragments of a mythological beaker from Celje ence and scientific achievements aimed at the
(Celeia). The chapter concludes with an exami- public. As an e-publication and the first mono-
nation of the glass material from the Roman bu- graph in the series Libri Universitatis Heredita-
rial site from Budva in Montenegro, which the ti it is freely accessible to all researchers at home
author processed as an expert guest, at the invi- and around the world, as well as to students and
tation of her Montenegrin colleagues. the wider public. We hope that they can gain an
insight into the latest finds of antique glass from
The third chapter, entitled “Glass as a Mu- the area of present-day Slovenia and at the same
seum Object”, discusses the importance of inter- time, learn about the results of the latest research
preting and communicating research results to work in this field of material culture.
the public. Once analyzed and researched, the
glass findings are handed over to museums, whe-
re they continue their lives as museum objects.
Provided with an appropriate interpretation,
they can tell different stories about themselves
and thus bring research results closer to the wi-
dest audiences as part of our cultural heritage.
Such a case is the Roman bottle from Ptuj (Poe-
tovio) with the representation of the Alexandri-
an lighthouse, a product with high-quality en-
graved decoration, which was made to order in
the Alexandrian workshops. On the one hand,
its motif tells us about the wealth and power
of ancient Alexandria, and on the other, about
the wealthy residents of Poetovio, who could af-
ford to order top artistic achievements from Ro-
man glassmaking workshops. Another example
comes from material retrieved from a shipwreck
near Gnalić in Croatia, dated several centuries
later, and testifying to the fate of the Venetian
merchant ship with its extraordinary glass car-
go. Its wealth and diversity are not only proof of
rich Venetian glass production but also eviden-
ce of the trade connections between Europe and
the Ottoman Empire.

The individual objects discussed and pre-
sented in this monograph were also displayed
in showcases as exhibits of the month in vario-
us Slovenian museums during the celebrations of
the International Year of Glass 2022, which was
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