Page 118 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 118
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 118 get a more complete picture of the glass collec- cropolis, so it would be important to publish also the
tion in context. There are not many sites where material from the older excavations to get a complete
glass material and grave goods are present to picture of the glass collection and of the necropolis as
such a great extent and also in such an excellent a whole.
state of preservation. Therefore, the complete
study of the glass material from Budva would Povzetek
be a desideratum for the future, to put the site
on the pedestal it deserves due to its abundant Objava gradiva helenistične in rimske nekropole iz
amount of the presented translucent, yet frag- Budve je znanstveni javnosti ter različnim specialistom
ile heritage. dala možnost za nadaljnje specialistične objave gradiva
v kontekstu Sredozemlja in rimskega imperija kot celo-
Summary te. Predhodne študije antičnega stekla z nekropole so
pokazale, da so uvoženi izdelki z območja vzhodne-
The publication of the Hellenistic and Roman necrop- ga Sredozemlja zastopani v obdobju med 1. in 4. stol.,
olis of Budva gave the scientific public and various spe- medtem ko je posodje iz italskih in zahodnih delavnic
cialists an opportunity for the detailed study of the ma- manj številno ter je v Budvo prihajalo pretežno tekom
terial in the wider context of the Mediterranean and 1. in 2. stol. Steklo je na budvanski nekropoli igralo po-
the Roman Empire. The preliminary study of the glass membno vlogo v grobnem ritualu, saj so ga prilagali v
assemblage in the necropolis has shown that the import grobove v velikem obsegu, v več primerih steklo celo
of glass vessels from the eastern Mediterranean is rep- prevlada nad ostalimi pridatki v grobu. Zelo malo je
resented through the period from the 1st to the 4th cen- grobov, ki ne bi vsebovali niti enega steklenega predme-
turies, while the glass vessels from Italian or western ta. Pri tem ne gre le za skromne balzamarije, ampak za
workshops are less numerous and were imported pre- posodje, ki predstavlja visokokakovostne izdelke iz sre-
dominantly during the 1st and 2nd centuries. In a grave dozemskih delavnic.
ritual of Budva necropolis the glass vessels were abun- Grobna arhitektura in parcele odražajo značilen italski
dantly added as grave goods, the glass predominates all vpliv in visoko raven romanizacije že od začetka 1. stol.
other materials and many graves comprise only glass as dalje. Velik del steklenega gradiva predstavlja v kalup pi-
a grave good in a burial. Very few graves contain no glass hano posodje, kot so amforiski, stekleničke s pokončni-
items. And that does not mean only modest balsamaria mi rebri, miniaturne amfore, balzamariji v obliki datljev
but several glass vessels representing the highest level in mandljev, heksagonalne stekleničke, vrčki s splošče-
of craftsmanship from the Mediterranean workshops. nim večkotnim ostenjem, stekleničke s podobami ob-
The forms of the individual graves and grave plots show razov ipd. V 2. in 3. stol. prevladajo prosto pihani izdelki,
a distinct Italic influence and a high level of Roman- med njimi skodele, čaše in vrči, ki so bili izdelani v različ-
isation already from the beginning of the 1st century. nih delavnicah širom imperija. Nekateri izdelki s svojimi
A large group of glass represent mould-blown vessels, posebnostmi v oblikah in okrasu ter z visoko kakovostjo
like ovular amphorisks, spherical bottles with vertical izdelave odpirajo vprašanja izbranih delavnic, ki so me-
ribs, miniature transport amphorae, date-shaped and ščane Budve oskrbovale s svojimi izdelki.
almond-shaped bottles, hexagonal juglets, juglets with Še vedno ostajajo odprta številna vprašanja o steklenem
flattened hexagonal body, double-head flasks etc. The gradivu z nekropole v Budvi, zato bi bilo pomembno
2nd and 3rd-century material is well represented by free- pripraviti celovito objavo nekropole, vključno s starejši-
blown colourless products, like bowls, beakers and jugs, mi izkopavanji, da bi dobili celovito sliko o steklenih iz-
made in various workshops all over the Empire. Some delkih in nekropoli kot celoti.
of the glass vessels with specific details of craftsman-
ship and high quality of production also open the ques-
tion of a specific workshop that provided the citizens of
Budua with its products. There are still numerous open
questions about the glass assemblage from Budva ne-
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