Page 121 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 121
The Engraved Glass Bowl from Bakar
– A Vessel for Honourable Guests

Steklena skodela z graviranim okrasom iz Bakra
– posoda za cenjene goste

Abstract 121
The chapter introduces a glass bowl with an engraved decoration that had been discovered in one of the
burials of the Bakar necropolis (probably Roman Volcera). The bowl stands out from the rest of the glass
artefacts because of its quality and can be attributed to the so-called ‘contour groove group’ based on
the decoration technique. The decorative motif, representing a medallion with a bust and a frieze of lar-
ger salt-water fish, matches the vessel to a group of products from a specialized Egyptian workshop from
the end of the 2nd century.
Keywords: Roman glass, bowl, engraving, Bakar, Adriatic, Egypt, contour groove

Poglavje predstavlja stekleno skodelo z graviranim okrasom, ki je bila odkrita v enem od grobov bakar-
ske nekropole (verjetno rimska Volcera). Skodela po svoji kakovosti odstopa od ostalega steklenega gra-
diva in jo glede na tehniko okrasa uvrščamo med steklene izdelke iz t. i. skupine ‘contour groove’. Okrasni
motiv, ki predstavlja medaljon z doprsno figuro in friz večjih morskih rib, posodo vzporeja s skupino iz-
delkov, ki so nastali v specializirani delavnici v Egiptu konec 2. stol.
Ključne besede: rimsko steklo, skodela, graviranje, Bakar, Jadran, contour groove

The craft of glass-making was developed damage the glass during his work was clearly de-
to such an extent in the Roman period fined and he was held responsible for the damage
that the Romans differentiated between by the owner of the vessel he was engraving (pp.
glass-blowers (vitrearii) and glass engravers and 28–9). The quality and high value of glass with
grinders (diatretarii) already by name. Ancient engraved or ground decoration were first men-
sources also attest to their autonomy, speaking tioned by the Roman poet Martial in his Epi-
of specialized trades and also mentioning the grams; this is where we first find mention of the
diatretarii aside from architects, painters and term diatreta and the poet compares the value
sculptors (Paolucci 1997, 28). Just like painters of this glass with the price of five young slaves
and sculptors, glass engravers in the Roman pe- (Mart. Epigr. XII, 70).
riod worked on the basis of patterns and models.
The work was challenging and demanded spe- Engraving, cutting and faceting are decora-
cial caution apart from the craftsmanship and tive techniques that were implemented only af-
artistic knowledge and skills due to the fragili- ter the vessel had cooled. It mostly meant work-
ty of the material. This is precisely why the ma- ing in a different workshop; the glass-blowing
terial responsibility of the engraver who would workshops would have only produced very sim-
ple horizontal line engravings. With engraved
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