Page 123 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 123
ure 56: Drawing of the Bakar bowl. M = 1 : 2, drawing Miljenka Galić. the engr aved glass bowl from bak ar – a vessel for honour able guests 123
Slika 56: Risba skodele iz Bakra. M = 1 : 2, risba Miljenka Galić.

ing handed over to the museum; therefore, the ti and Alfano 1998). In 2008, during a revision
material could only be determined typological- and repeated examination of the Bakar material,
ly (Ljubić 1881; 1882). Among the Bakar glass, a the vessel was newly cleaned, glued and restored.1
quality hemispherical bowl with engraved deco- The quality of the procedure meant that new de-
ration (figure/slika 55) was also preserved. This tails of the decoration were now visible that had
is the only example of a figural decorated vessel not been visible or clearly recognizable before.
in this group of glass. The glass was made from
decolourised glass. It was first published by V. The vessel has an everted, cut-off and ground
Damevski (including a drawing) in her survey rim; the walls are somewhat convex, while the
of glass from Croatia (1976, 86, tab. 14; Strina-
1 The restoration of the bowl was conducted by Zrinka Zni-
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