Page 146 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 146
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 146 sign in the central portion, with a band of scroll- primarily decorated with engraving, although
work above it and another band of foliage below applied raspberry prunts, shell appliqués, trails
the rim. The vessel is made of high-quality glass and a lid with a domed top, also decorated with
and very thinly blown. leaf engraving and raspberry prunts, comple-
ment its form and decoration. Their height var-
Among the forms represented by only a few ies between 20 and 25 cm.
examples are bowl lids and tazzae. Glass lids
were an Italian innovation of the later 15th cen- Figure 64: Plain sprinklers (photo: Tomaž Lauko).
tury, appearing on bowls and tankards but in Slika 64: Neokrašene stekleničke s kapalko (foto: Tomaž
some cases also on goblets. Flat lids survive that
have a solid finial and either plain, optic-blown Lauko).
or engraved surfaces. Domed lids can be plain The last broad category includes vessels in-
or decorated with engraving. It seems most like- tended for the storage of liquids and solids. The
ly that they would have been associated with group from the cargo represent containers, flasks
bowls. Tazzae predominantly appear in the 16th and bottles. This is one of the earliest forms that
century and were used to form elaborate dis- appear in glass and there are a considerable num-
plays holding fruits, sweetmeats and other exot- ber of variations. The long-necked bottle, a typi-
ic foods. Two basic varieties of tazzae have been cal and popular form of the period that appeared
found: those with a knop stem and those with an as early as the 12th century, is represented by two
open applied foot; their diameter exceeds 20 cm plain variants (one with a narrow and one with
and their shape and elaborate appearance mean a funnel-mouth rim), as well as those decorat-
that these were expensive items. Examples with
an open foot have a simple decoration of applied
trails, which can be plain or pinched (Lazar and
Willmott 2006a, pl. 13). Tazzae with a knop
stem have more elaborate decoration of filigrana
or engraving. One of the engraved vessels is dec-
orated with foliage and fruits in its central por-
tion, and on outer panels with a laurel and foli-
age design, whilst a second one has applied trails
and engraving of alternating blank and foliage
panels (Lazar and Willmott 2006a, pl. 11, 12).

A vase is a form that typically has a narrow
neck with an out-turned rim, an ovoid body and
a foot. A group of vases from the Gnalić wreck
includes smaller vessels with engraved decora-
tion of leaves and foliage and two examples with
mould-blown decoration. There are significant
differences in size between examples which sug-
gests that they may have been used for a variety
of functions. One of them was blown in a mould
with human faces (possibly with three faces in
the original form and two of them can still be
recognised on the surviving portion). Large vas-
es are represented by footed examples with han-
dles and a spout. This very elaborate form is
made of good quality glass, thinly blown and
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