Page 141 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 141
Glass from the Gnalić Wreck
Steklo s potopljene ladje pri Gnaliću

Abstract 141
A few miles south of the town of Biograd, at the end of the 16th century, a ship sunk in the vicinity of the
rocky islet of Gnalić and bears its name. It is located at the southern entrance to the Pašman channel. A
team of Slovene and English archaeologists undertook at the end of 2004 the first systematic analysis
of the glass from the shipwreck. The aim was to classify the glass for the first time, and also to answer a
number of specific research questions. The article brings the presentation of our results in a text for mu-
seum purposes.
Keywords: Gnalić, Croatia, shipwreck, Biograd, renaissance glass, beakers, flat glass

Nekaj milj južno od mesta Biograd je konec 16. stol. v bližini skalnatega otoka Gnalić potonila ladja,
ki danes nosi njegovo ime. Leži na južnem vhodu v Pašmanski kanal. Skupina slovenskih in angleških
arheologov je leta 2004 začela s sistematično analizo steklenega tovora z ladje. Njihova naloga je bila
prva sistematična opredelitev steklenega gradiva in poiskati odgovore na številna raziskovalna vpraša-
nja. Članek predstavlja rezultate raziskav v besedilu za muzejsko predstavitev.
Ključne besede: Gnalić, Hrvaška, brodolom, Biograd, renesančno steklo, čaše, ravno steklo

The Eastern Adriatic coastline has always In 1967 local fishermen noticed the remains and
been a popular route for ships. Its advan- reported them to the authorities. Soon it was ob-
tages are the favourable current and the vious that it was a merchant ship that had sunk
possibility of offering shelter during inclement with all its rich cargo.
weather. Unfortunately, some of the ships en-
countered difficulties before they reached the Only a few months after the discovery, the
shelter. Such was the destiny of the ship that first underwater research actions were organised
sunk a few miles south of the town of Biograd, by the Institute for the Preservation of Cultur-
at the end of the 16th century. al Monuments and the Regional Museum in Za-
dar. Up to 1996, six campaigns were organised to
The ship sank in the vicinity of the rocky is- recover portions of the vessel and its cargo.
let of Gnalić and bears its name. It is located at
the southern entrance to the Pašman channel, Shortly after the initial a large part of the
known as part of the sailing route since ancient diagnostic pieces were exhibited in several loca-
times. tions in the former Yugoslavia until the whole
collection was deposited in a specially estab-
Amateur divers accidentally discovered the lished museum in Biograd, where they can still
remains of the ship at a depth of 26–27 metres. be seen today.
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