Page 30 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 30
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 30 Figure 7: Map of Slovenia with sites mentioned in the text (elaborated by Andrej Preložnik).
Slika 7: Karta Slovenije z najdišči omenjenimi v besedilu (pripravil Andrej Preložnik).

The bow of these fibulae has a bronze wire core venia from the 5th century BC from Most na
surrounded by a coating of naturally transpar- Soči (Haevernick 1958a, Taf. 1: 4–5, 2, 3: 1, 2) and
ent blue-green glass with spiky applied glass. The Črnolica beneath Rifnik (Pirkmajer 1994, fig.
coating of dark blue glass that ornaments the fib- 40; Lazar 2004b, 49, cat. no. 4). They were made
ula from Boštanj is decorated with glass threads from naturally coloured, slightly greenish glass,
in a contrasting yellow colour, drawn out in a and from a coloured glass of amber brown or
zigzag design, and with eye beads (Haevernick blue in various shades. Primarily blue cups were
1959, Taf. 2: 8, 9). The bow of the fibulae from frequently decorated with threads of differently
Rovišče was also made in a specific manner: am- coloured glass in straight or zigzag lines. Some
ber glass was wound in a spiral around the wire cups from Most na Soči also had an extended,
core, and the decoration was completed with ribbed handle (Haevernick 1958a, Taf. 2: 3–6).
small glass projections (Haevernick 1959, Taf. 2:
5, 7). Fibulae with a glass coating appear primari- The extensive trading contacts of the Early
ly in the 6th century BC (Gabrovec 1987, 49). Iron Age Culture of the southeastern Alpine re-
gion with those of the Mediterranean world are
An exceptional element in the graves of the reflected also in the glass material. This includes
southeastern Alpine region is represented by vessels made on a core, which had the widest
small vessels with vertical ribbing on the walls. distribution among products of the Hellenistic
These were probably products made in a mould, glassworks in the Mediterranean.
the walls of which were subsequently ribbed
(Haevernick 1958a, 14). They are known in Slo- An almost entirely preserved core-made
vessel was found at Stična (Kastelic 1960, Pl.
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