Page 34 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 34
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 34 served one-handled beakers were blown into a Narona (Vid, Croatia) (Buljević 2004b, 186, cat.
mould with the same pattern as the one from no. 8).
Ribnica, since the decoration, inscription and
other details are absolutely identical. The differ- For the time being, the question of whether
ence between them is in size, or more precisely, the workshops and their branches moved to oth-
in the size of the rim, as the Cyprian beaker is er places (perhaps in Italy as supposed by Hard-
somewhat smaller, and the Narona beaker has a en 1935, 65) or whether moulds were exchanged
bigger diameter than the Ribnica one. Accord- between individual workshops will have to re-
ing to Harden‘s classification, the beakers all be- main unanswered. In spite of this, the finds can
long to the A 1 type (1935, 168) or to type A ac- serve as proof, of this area early included in the
cording to Lehrer (Lehrer 1979; Price 1991a, 66). long-distance glass trade from early on.
The Ribnica fragment has a different arrange-
ment of the inscription within a square frame: Figure 10: Polygonal bottle with Dyonisiac symbols,
MNE.. / OAOΓOP / AZΩN. The letter ‚N‘ is Emona, grave 427 (87), City Museum Ljubljana
positioned above the letter ‚Ω‘ (ω) in the third (photo Tomaž Lauko).
line and not in the fourth as in the other two
beakers. They belong therefore the same type Slika 10: Šestkotna steklenička s simboli čaščenja
of beaker with the same decoration but were Dioniza, Emona, grob 427(87), Mestni muzej Ljubljana
blown into moulds with a differently arranged
inscription within the square frame. This points (foto: Tomaž Lauko).
to slight differences in the moulds for the same Other mould-blown products from the 1st
beaker type and shows that certainly more of century are preserved in a relatively small quan-
them existed since these differences could have tity (Lazar 2003a, 50–5). Here, a mythological
come about during the renewal of a mould or the
production of a new one.

Chronologically, one-handled beakers be-
long to the second quarter of the 1st century. The
rare finds from dated contexts occur in the late
Tiberian or Claudian strata (Price 1991a, 65).
Unfortunately, the Ribnica find comes from
mixed strata, without any exact historical con-
texts. The accompanying archaeological materi-
al is dated throughout the 1st century.

Another fragment of an Ennion beaker
made of dark blue glass is known from the le-
gionary camp at Tilurium (Gardun, Croatia).
Unfortunately, its small size prevents the de-
termination of the exact beaker type (Buljević
2005, 95, fig. 1).

The first find of this product in Slovenia and
the recent finds from the sites in Croatia show
how developed the trade in master Ennion‘s
products was. But there was also trading with
other masters’ products; for example, a beaker
signed by Aristeas is known from Augusteum in
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