Page 69 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 69
Although the majority of the presented These glasses first appeared in the first quarter of the colour ed monochrome glass of the ear ly imper ial per iod in romula (pannonia) / 69
coloured wares come from destroyed strata, their 1st century AD, perhaps ongoing to about 60 AD. The
period of use in Romula is confirmed with coin group is very homogeneous with ten principal forms:
finds, two-thirds of them ranging from the Au- plates, cups or bowls (hemispherical, concave and car-
gustan period to the mid-2nd century. But com- inated), pyxis and less common large plates or trays. In
parisons with the individual finds from dated Romula we have recognized eight of ten principal forms:
deposits in Roman Empire confirm the use of cups and plates in various forms and pyxis with sub-
the coloured translucent and opaque ware simi- types. The emerald green glass is predominant for all
lar to the finds from Romula in the period of the forms of fine wares on the site.
first three-quarters of the 1st century. Plates with constricted, straight or convex walls are
made of translucent dark green (various shadows of
Our preliminary observation could be that emerald green) glass and dark blue or cobalt blue glass.
the whole group of these coloured fine wares in Cups are hemispherical, with convex walls or have cari-
Romula reflects the Roman glass market taste of nated walls. Some of the fragments have shallow grooves
the 1st century. The individual demand and taste on the walls or on the inner side of the base. They are
for luxury glasses in the Empire soon offered and made of deep green glass, few fragments belong to dark
produced a new group of fine glass tableware – blue and opaque turquoise cups. Five fragments of pyx-
colourless instead of deep, strong colours. In ides are made of deep green glass. Several of the frag-
Romula the demand for luxury ware continues ments have shallow grooves on the base and several of
and colourless glass overtook the households and them have a small circle in the centre where they were af-
tables in the second half of the 1st and 2nd centu- fixed to the lathe. There is also a group of black-appear-
ries (Lazar 2020b). ing glasses, made of deep violet or deep brown glass that
looks like black. Among the forms, we have recorded
The study of the material is in progress, to- plates, bowls and pyxides.
gether with other small finds, the necropolis and The presented group of glass has some individual com-
the site architecture. We hope to add significant parisons on Slovenian sites from Emona, Celeia and Po-
new information about the presented glass ma- etovio, but so far nowhere have these glasses appeared
terial and its use by the end of the research of the in such quantity. It is also significant that these are all
site. 1st-century settlement finds and those vessels were not
used or added as grave goods, although graves from the
Summary mid-and second half of the 1st century were excavated on
the western necropolis of the site.
The article presents the glass assemblage of early impe-
rial coloured mould-made fine ware discovered in Ro- Povzetek
man road and custom station Romula (Slovenia), the
largest group of coloured glass discovered so far in Slo- Poglavje obravnava skupino zgodnjeimperialnega ste-
venia. Monochrome translucent coloured fine ware, klenega posodja intenzivnih barv, izdelanega v kalupih,
characteristic for the first quarter of the 1st century AD, ki je bilo odkrito na najdišču rimske obcestne in carin-
have distinguished angular and carinated profiles and ske postaje Romula. Ta skupina finega namiznega posod-
are characterized by strong colours and high standards ja, značilna za prvo četrtino 1. stol., ima poudarjene in ke-
of craftsmanship. Due to the ceramic-like profiles, the ramiki podobne profile, odlikuje jo izjemna kakovost
group was also known as glass with ceramic profiles, as it izdelave in je narejena iz stekla intenzivnih barv. Zaradi
was defined by L. Berger. The group has no stylistic ties značilnih profilov je bila ta skupina posodja dolgo znana
with the production in the late Hellenistic period, sever- kot steklo s keramičnimi profili. Obravnavana skupina
al of the colours, like emerald green, are the inventions izdelkov nima stilističnih povezav z izdelki helenistične-
of the newly established Roman Glass industry. The dis- ga čaša, številne barve, posebej smaragdno zelena, naj bi
tribution of these products is western since the majori- bile odkritje novo osnovane rimske steklarske industri-
ty of the examples were discovered on Italian and other
European archaeological sites.
coloured wares come from destroyed strata, their 1st century AD, perhaps ongoing to about 60 AD. The
period of use in Romula is confirmed with coin group is very homogeneous with ten principal forms:
finds, two-thirds of them ranging from the Au- plates, cups or bowls (hemispherical, concave and car-
gustan period to the mid-2nd century. But com- inated), pyxis and less common large plates or trays. In
parisons with the individual finds from dated Romula we have recognized eight of ten principal forms:
deposits in Roman Empire confirm the use of cups and plates in various forms and pyxis with sub-
the coloured translucent and opaque ware simi- types. The emerald green glass is predominant for all
lar to the finds from Romula in the period of the forms of fine wares on the site.
first three-quarters of the 1st century. Plates with constricted, straight or convex walls are
made of translucent dark green (various shadows of
Our preliminary observation could be that emerald green) glass and dark blue or cobalt blue glass.
the whole group of these coloured fine wares in Cups are hemispherical, with convex walls or have cari-
Romula reflects the Roman glass market taste of nated walls. Some of the fragments have shallow grooves
the 1st century. The individual demand and taste on the walls or on the inner side of the base. They are
for luxury glasses in the Empire soon offered and made of deep green glass, few fragments belong to dark
produced a new group of fine glass tableware – blue and opaque turquoise cups. Five fragments of pyx-
colourless instead of deep, strong colours. In ides are made of deep green glass. Several of the frag-
Romula the demand for luxury ware continues ments have shallow grooves on the base and several of
and colourless glass overtook the households and them have a small circle in the centre where they were af-
tables in the second half of the 1st and 2nd centu- fixed to the lathe. There is also a group of black-appear-
ries (Lazar 2020b). ing glasses, made of deep violet or deep brown glass that
looks like black. Among the forms, we have recorded
The study of the material is in progress, to- plates, bowls and pyxides.
gether with other small finds, the necropolis and The presented group of glass has some individual com-
the site architecture. We hope to add significant parisons on Slovenian sites from Emona, Celeia and Po-
new information about the presented glass ma- etovio, but so far nowhere have these glasses appeared
terial and its use by the end of the research of the in such quantity. It is also significant that these are all
site. 1st-century settlement finds and those vessels were not
used or added as grave goods, although graves from the
Summary mid-and second half of the 1st century were excavated on
the western necropolis of the site.
The article presents the glass assemblage of early impe-
rial coloured mould-made fine ware discovered in Ro- Povzetek
man road and custom station Romula (Slovenia), the
largest group of coloured glass discovered so far in Slo- Poglavje obravnava skupino zgodnjeimperialnega ste-
venia. Monochrome translucent coloured fine ware, klenega posodja intenzivnih barv, izdelanega v kalupih,
characteristic for the first quarter of the 1st century AD, ki je bilo odkrito na najdišču rimske obcestne in carin-
have distinguished angular and carinated profiles and ske postaje Romula. Ta skupina finega namiznega posod-
are characterized by strong colours and high standards ja, značilna za prvo četrtino 1. stol., ima poudarjene in ke-
of craftsmanship. Due to the ceramic-like profiles, the ramiki podobne profile, odlikuje jo izjemna kakovost
group was also known as glass with ceramic profiles, as it izdelave in je narejena iz stekla intenzivnih barv. Zaradi
was defined by L. Berger. The group has no stylistic ties značilnih profilov je bila ta skupina posodja dolgo znana
with the production in the late Hellenistic period, sever- kot steklo s keramičnimi profili. Obravnavana skupina
al of the colours, like emerald green, are the inventions izdelkov nima stilističnih povezav z izdelki helenistične-
of the newly established Roman Glass industry. The dis- ga čaša, številne barve, posebej smaragdno zelena, naj bi
tribution of these products is western since the majori- bile odkritje novo osnovane rimske steklarske industri-
ty of the examples were discovered on Italian and other
European archaeological sites.