Page 74 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 74
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 74 ed and angular and there is no ridge on the wall grain cuts (fig. 31: 3, 4). The finds from Romula
below the decoration. It is important to men- are decorated on the rim (fig. 31: 1, 3) and on the
tion, that both beakers have a visible roundel on base (fig. 31: 4).
the base, where the vessel was attached to the
lathe-turned mould. A beaker of the same form, Comparisons to these new finds are known
with straight walls and no ridge on the walls, is in Slovenia from Poetovio (Ptuj; gr. 615; Istenič
also known from the grave 166 in Nova Tabla 2000, pl. 134: 4) and from Longaticum (Logatec;
in north-eastern Slovenia (Guštin 2004, 75, fig. Lazar 2004a, 59, fig. 2: 1). While the bowl from
10; Lazar 2020b, 343, fig. 3a, b). The grave from Ptuj is decorated only on the rim and the base,
Nova Tabla is dated to the beginning of the 2nd the bowl from Logatec shows a rich and more
century AD (Guštin 2004, 77). elaborate decoration. The rim is decorated on
the edge, on the upper side with the ridge and on
Two finds from Romula (fig. 30: 6, 7) show the lower side with oval facet cuts, and the same
a more rounded belly form of a beaker, one with decoration appears in two lines on the body. The
rhomboid and the other with elongated ovoid base is decorated with elongated honeycomb-like
facets on the wall. They can be compared with facets and the edge of the foot is also decorated
the beaker from Nijmegen in the Netherlands with small rice grain cuts. The bowl was found
(Oliver 1984, 42, fig. 15), the group IN 18 of the during excavations at the mansio Longaticum in
colourless glass from France dated to the end of a stratum featuring a coin of Emperor Domitian
the 1st and beginning of the 2nd century (Foy et (81–96 AD) (Lazar 2003a, 44).
al. 2018, 26), and with the finds from Augusta
Raurica where this type of beaker is defined as This form of the bowl can be compared with
a form AR 45.4 and is dated between 30 and 130 finds from Augusta Raurica (form AR 16.2; Fün-
AD (Fünfschilling 2015, 315). fschilling 2015, 281), dated to the period from 80
to 150/60 AD. The forms Trier 23 and Aventic-
It is worth mentioning that there are metal4 um 25/26 give similar dating and the main peri-
and ceramic imitations of the facet-cut beakers od of use for these bowls can be set between the
known. The ceramic ones, to mention a few ex- late 1st and mid-2nd century AD (Goethert-Po-
amples, were found in burials in Emona and Ver- laschek 1977, 36; Bonnet Borel 1997, 24; Fün-
dun and among settlement finds in Celeia (Petru fschilling 2015, 282). Some finds of these bowls
1972, pl. 44: 12; Breščak 2002, 138, cat. no. 72/3). from Milan prove their appearance and use also
in younger contexts at the end of the 2nd century
The second group of finds (figure/slika 31) (Uboldi 2017, 185, fig. 1: 1, 2).
are colourless shallow bowls with facet cut deco-
ration that appear on the rim, the walls and even Another bowl fragment from Romula is
on the base. The presented fragments were all decorated on the body, but with elongated fac-
discovered as settlement finds in Romula.5 Nos. ets and the preserved fragment can be compared
1, 3 and 4 can be defined as a form 2.1.8. (Lazar with the form IN 142 (Foy et al. 2018, 148) or
2003a, 43, fig. 12). The form is characterized by more precisely the find from Spain (Price 1987,
a sharp profilation and high quality of the cut fig. 3: 1) regarding the decoration, since the rim
decoration. The rim is wide, highly out-turned, is not completely preserved. We may assume it is
with an overhanging edge; it is decorated with similar to the form AR 13.2 (Fünfschilling 2015,
facet-cut on both sides and on the edge. The cir- 279).
cular or oval facets can be combined with rice
Find no. 2 (Fig. 31: 2) has a rim widened into
4 Berthouville treasure, Chaourse treasure – end of 2nd–early a kind of handle, but the dimensions are small
3rd century (Baratte and Painter 1989, figs. 26 (Berthouvi- and therefore it cannot be defined as a large
le), 58–61 (Chaourse). I would like to thank you to Anne plate-like AR 16.1. (Fünfschilling 2015, 281), or
De Pury-Gysel for the information. even an oval plate-like AR 26 and Aventicum 35
(Fünfschilling 2015, 289; Bonnet Borel 1997, 26).
5 Romula – 1: S 1212, 2: 1201, 3: 1253, 4: 1046 (Institute for
the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Slovenia, unit Novo
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