Page 71 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 71
ds of Roman Colourless Glass from Romula
Najdbe dekoloriranega rimskega stekla iz Romule

Izvleček 71
Poglavje prinaša prve rezultate obdelave večje skupine kakovostnega rimskega dekoloriranega stekla.
Odkrito je bilo med izkopavanji v letih 2001 do 2004 na najdišču rimske obcestne in carinske postaje
Romula v Sloveniji. Ker gre za izjemno obsežno in kakovostno skupino steklenega posodja, okrašene-
ga z vrezanim okrasom, ki je bilo posebej priljubljeno od druge polovice 1. stol. dalje, želimo predstaviti
prve rezultate raziskav tega gradiva.
Ključne besede: rimsko steklo, izdelano v kalupu, dekolorirano steklo, vrezovanje, Romula

The chapter presents and gives preliminary information about the very rich glass assemblage of mou-
ld-made colourless glass. It was discovered between 2001 and 2004 on the site of a Roman road and
custom station Romula in modern Slovenia. Due to this interesting and large amount of glass finds with
cut decoration, popular from the second half of the 1st century on, we would like to communicate some
preliminary results and observations.
Keywords: Roman glass, mould-made glass, colourless glass, cutting, Romula

The extensive rescue excavations start- It is, therefore, not surprising that the site
ed during the motorway construction yielded rich and variegated glass material from
on the route Ljubljana–Novo Mesto– the settlement and necropolis, confirming thus
Brežice, which corresponds also with the former the lively trade connections and routes leading
Roman via publica (in its early development also through the station.
via militaris) Emona–Neviodunum–Siscia un-
covered an extensive settlement and necropolis The largest group of materials we are work-
area of the Roman station Romula. The struc- ing on is the early Imperial mould-made glass.
tures date from the late 1st century BC to the end We are talking about two distinctive groups of
of the 4th or even the first years of the 5th century fine wares in early Imperial contexts (Grose 1998;
AD. The heart of the settlement was located on 1991). Group 1 consists of coloured fine wares of
a terrace of the river Sava to the east of a brook monochrome glass, made by mould-pressing1
and the excavations uncovered official and pro- and Group 2 of colourless fine wares, made by
duction buildings, several segments of the Ro- casting or mould-pressing. The latter will be pre-
man road and a western and eastern necropolis sented here.
(Lazar 2020a, 387–402).
1 See chapter Coloured monochrome glass of the early imperi-
al period in Romula in this volume.
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