Page 81 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 81
nion Beaker and other Fragments of Mould-Blown Glass
Čaša mojstra Enniona in druge najdbe v kalup pihanega stekla

Abstract 81
Glass vessels constitute a source of inscriptions of various types and groups. The names of artisans or
workshop owners, for example, are known from mould-blown vessels and even more so from the base
marks on free-blown vessels that appear in great numbers. All these allow us then to gain important in-
formation on the workshops and the distribution of their products, on the names of the glass-blowers
and their social or national origin. The article presents new finds of mould-blown beakers from Slove-
nia. The most interesting one is a partly preserved one-handled beaker signed by Ennion.
Keywords: Roman glass, mould-blowing, inscriptions, Ennion, workshops, trade routes

Na steklenih posodah prepoznamo različne vrste napisov. Imena mojstrov ali lastnikov delavnic so naj-
bolj znana na v kalup pihanih izdelkih, različne znake in okrajšave imen najdemo tudi na prostopiha-
nem posodju. Vsi ti podatki nam omogočajo zbrati številne podatke o imenih mojstrov in njihovem
izvoru, lokalnih delavnicah, razprostranjenosti njihovih izdelkov itd. Članek predstavlja nove najdbe v
kalup pihanih čaš iz Slovenije. Med njimi posebej izstopa delno ohranjena enoročajna čaša s podpisom
mojstra Enniona.
Ključne besede: rimsko steklo, pihanje v kalup, napisi, Ennion, delavnice, trgovina

Glass vessels, in addition to other sourc- er with the ability to handle the blowpipe dur-
es, provide various sorts of inscrip- ing the production procedure. The inscriptions
tions. Based on their production tech- on these products speak of artisans that pro-
nique, they are divided into two separate groups. duced the richly decorated and exceptionally
The first is constituted by mould-blown vessels well-made vessels and wished to emphasize their
and the second by free-blown vessels with base mastery of the craft of glass-making, the qual-
marks, made in one-part moulds. The various ity of the moulds and also their artistic talent.
types of mould-blown vessels from the 1st century The distribution of these products allows us to
AD give the names of the artisans or workshop trace the trading areas of particular workshops
owners, expressly stating and proving the maker and their craftsmen, the extensive trade routes,
of the object. This group is formed by early prod- running from East to West and from South to
ucts, predominantly from the 1st century, that North, as well as the rapid development and
were made by mould-blowing. It is a technique spread of the new glass-making techniques dur-
developed after the invention of free-blowing ing the 1st century.
and it required a particularly skilled glass-blow-
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