Page 84 - Lazar, Irena. 2022. Pogled skozi steklo / A Look Through the Glass. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem. Libri universitatis hereditati, 1
P. 84
ena lazar ■ pogled skozi steklo • a look through the glass 84 and second half of the 1st century. The recent oped the trade in master Ennion‘s products was.
finds prove that Ennion products were widely The question of whether the workshops and
distributed in the west, including Spain, Greece, their branches moved to other places or wheth-
France (Buljević 2015; McClellan 1983, 76), Slo- er moulds were exchanged between individual
venia and Croatia (Buljević 2015, 61, fig. 50: 1). workshops, on the other hand, still remains to
be answered. However, the possibility of migrat-
Figure 36: Fragment of a mould-blown beaker with vege- ing glass workers should not be neglected. It is
tal decoration, Romula, drawing Anđelka Fortuna Saje. known that glass-blowers from the eastern Med-
Slika 36: Odlomek v kalup pihane čaše z rastlinskim iterranean migrated to Italy and other provinc-
okrasom, Romula, risba Anđelka Fortuna Saje. es of Europe and could also have travelled with
Another find is a fragment with mould- their trade.

blown decoration similar to Ennion products Interestingly, this group of products has a
(figure/slika 36). This is a fragment of a conical special feature that stands out: the vessels, the
beaker made of bluish, naturally coloured glass styles of which became multiregional and pop-
of high quality. There is no inscription field on ular in many parts of the Roman world, are al-
it, but the decoration shows similarities with most all tableware and fine glass tableware may
glasses signed by Ennion, and with other signed have been valued primarily as status symbols
beakers. We can recognize four registers of deco- (Stern 1995, 94). The finds suggest that the chief
ration divided with horizontal lines of pearls or attraction of the mould-blown tableware may
small dots. Two registers with floral decoration have been to give the impression of culture and
show in lower line elements of a Dionysiac style erudition.
decoration known on two-handled Ennion cups
(Lightfoot 2015, 36, fig. 27), and the upper line Figure 37: Ennion beaker from Ribnica near Brežice
decoration consists of columns with garlands. (Romula), Slovenia (photo: Tomaž Lauko).
The fragment ends with vertical flutes on the up-
per part and a net pattern on the lower part, dec- Slika 37: Ennionova čaša iz Ribnice pri Brežicah
oration typical for mould-blown products made (Romula), Slovenija (foto: Tomaž Lauko).
by Ennion and/or Aristeas.
Chronologically, one-handled Ennion Glass vessels, in addition to other sources, provide var-
beakers belong to the second quarter of the ious sorts of inscriptions. The various types of mould-
1st century. As for their distribution, the first blown vessels from the 1st century AD give the names of
find of this product in Slovenia and the finds the artisans or workshop owners, expressly stating and
from sites in Croatia published by Zrinka Bul- proving the maker of the object. This group is formed
jević (2004b, 188; 2012; 2015) prove how devel- by early products, predominantly from the 1st century,
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