Page 13 - Istenič Andreja, Gačnik Mateja, Horvat Barbara, Kukanja Gabrijelčič Mojca, Kiswarday Vanja Riccarda, Lebeničnik Maja, Mezgec Maja, Volk Marina. Ur. 2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 13
The Role of Mindfulness and Resilience
in Predicting Job Burnout among
Slovenian Primary School Teachers

Petra Dolenc
University of Primorska

The issue of mental health in the workplace is becoming an increasingly im-
portant area of research. Teachers, like other people-oriented professions, are
particularly susceptible to burnout syndrome, thus it is important to inves-
tigate personal resources that mitigate employee burnout. The objective of
this study was to examine the role of mindfulness and resilience in predict-
ing teacher burnout in the workplace. The study included 194 Slovenian pri-
mary school teachers who completed the Brief Resilience Scale, the Copen-
hagen Burnout Inventory, and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale. Results
showed work experiences were positively associated with mindfulness and re-
silience but not with burnout. Regression analysis revealed that higher lev-
els of mindfulness and resilience were significant predictors of lower levels
of burnout (R2 = 0.441, F(1,192) = 69.91, p < 0.001). The findings suggest that
cultivating resilience and mindfulness may assist in preventing psychological
distress and burnout in teachers.
Keywords: stress, burnout, mindfulness, resilience, teachers

Mental health issues in the workplace are becoming increasingly impor-
tant areas of research, as they have been recognized as a problem in most
countries given their high social and economic burdens (Oliveira et al. 2023;
Zweifel 2021). Mental health can be defined as a state of well-being in which
an individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses
of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to the com-
munity (World Health Organization 2022). Mental health is more than the
absence of mental illness; it exists on a complex continuum ranging from
positive mental health to mental disorders with severe symptoms such as
panic attacks and major depressive episodes. However, between these two
extremes, an individual may experience mental health problems (e.g. diffi-
culty coping with problems, sleep problems, poor self-esteem, etc.), which
do not yet represent a clinically significant disturbance but can be a risk

Istenič, A., M. Gačnik, B. Horvat, M. Kukanja Gabrijelčič, V. R. Kiswarday, M. Lebeničnik, M. Mezgec in M. Volk, ur.
2023. Vzgoja in izobraževanje med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
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