Page 380 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 380
Mirjana Radetić-Paić
tion theinstrumentsforassessingtheneeds/risksofchildren andyouth
at risk and/or with behavioural disorders; to record and describe the
population of children and youth included in the existing system of
social welfare interventions through three key characteristics: risk lev-
els, potential and intervention needs; to analyse these characteristics in
terms of the appropriateness of the interventions in which they deal; to
record and describe the one-year population of new users of interven-
tions; to describe children and young people at risk/with behavioural
disorders in relation to these key characteristics; to identify risk levels,
potential and intervention needs in areas of different sizes, characteris-
tics and possibilities; to propose a system of interventions aligned with
the assessed levels of risk, intervention needs and user potential. The
above was also carried out for the city of Pula on a sample of 100 chil-
dren and minors (Radetić-Paić 2010a; 2010b; 2011; 2012).
5. The research ‘Positive development of adolescents in Croatia’ (PRAG-
HR) was conducted by a team of scientists from the Laboratory for Pre-
vention Research, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, University
of Zagreb, incooperationwithpartnersincluding thecityofPula(Ferić
et al. 2019). In the Pula locality, nine secondary schools participated in
the research. The research was conducted during the 2018/2019 school
year, simultaneously in all involved secondary schools (N =704 stu-
dents). The main goal of the project was to investigate the character-
istics of the development and growth of young people in Croatia, i.e.
to check how young people see their behaviour, feelings and states,
the resources they have and how they experience close relationships
in various domains. This project wanted to find out important informa-
tion about the positive development and needs of young people with
regard to external resources (family, school, community, peer groups)
and their internal strengths and advantages in order to jointly design
a strategy to promote their positive development and better preven-
tive activities. It should be emphasized that this research, in contrast to
the previous ones, was observed and conducted on the regular popu-
lation of students, so not with subjects at risk or with already expressed
behavioural disorders.
Based on everything presented, the goal of this research was to gain insight
into the state and movement of certain specific risks and problems in be-
haviour over the years in the area of the city of Pula with the purpose of moni-