Page 377 - Pedagoška vizija / A Pedagogical Vision
P. 377

Behavioural Disorders

             788, the Frankish Empire until 952, the Bavarian states until 976, the States of
             the German feudal lords until 1209, the Feud of the Church of Aquileia until
             1420, the Republic of Venice until 1797, Austria until 1805, France until 1813,
             Austria until 1918, Italy until 1943, the Provisional Administration of Germany
             until 1945, the Anglo-American military administration until 1947, and finally
             Yugoslavia until 1990 (Paić 1991).
               In Roman law, and later in medieval law, the fact that the perpetrator of the
             crimewas achild or aminor was already takenintoaccounttoacertainex-
             tent.However,untiltheendofthenineteenth centurywedo not comeacross
             any serious attempts to establish the special position of minors in criminal
             law (Hirjan and Singer 1987). Thus, in the city of Pula the first important writ-
             ten evidence related to children and youth and the services that should deal
             with them can be found in the Statute of the Municipality of Pula from the
             year 1500, whichis animportant shift inthe care andprotection of children
             and youth. Namely, the provisions of this statute refer to guardianship and
             two services: Guardianship Service and Custodial Service (Povijesni muzej
             Istre2000,94–95).Severalcenturieslater,Našasloga,aCroatian weeklynews-
             paper that was printed in city of Trieste at the end of the nineteenth century,
             and then in city of Pula, writes about the difficult state of education in the
             Pula region, in the sense that children from suburban settlements could not
             go to school (Ujčić 1963). For Croatian education in Istria and Pula, the Society
             of St. Ćiril and Metod for Istria was very important. It was founded in the city
             of Pula in 1893, and bought land for the construction of schools in the Pula
             area, but also took care of other categories of children and young people (e.g.
             hungry children in 1917, 1918).
               It is important to note that on 22 February 1930, the Youth Court was es-
             tablished in Pula (Paić, private personal notes). The Law on Types of Penal-
             ties from 1946 (Hirjan and Singer 1987) envisioned the possibility of imposing
             ‘three’ educational measures on juvenile perpetrators of criminal offenses:
             handing over minors to their parents or other persons who take care of them,
             reprimand and referral to a correctional institution, and undergoing capital
             punishment for older minors. The Criminal Code from 1951 included two edu-
             cationalmeasures.A noveltywasintroducedin 1959 in theformofninediffer-
             ent sanctions, i.e. eight educational measures and a juvenile prison sentence,
             which improved the possibility of individualizing the sanction for minors.
               More modern trends in the treatment of children and youth with be-
             havioural disorders were recorded in the second half of the twentieth cen-
             tury. In that period, modern systems of intervention measures (treatment)
             for juvenile offenders can be viewed through different theoretical and philo-

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