Page 171 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2024. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih / Health of Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 171

Regional Business Breakfast as an opportunity to include in to working

               Natalija Brečko
               School Centre Šentjur, Higher vocational school, Šentjur, Slovenia

               Introduction and purpose: School Centre Šentjur, Higher vocational school is committed
               to quality assurance in the field of educational work and the career development of
               students. Regional Business Breakfast is one of such events and their amais are: to
               bring together representatives of companies and higher vocational schools in order
               to improve the quality of practical education and job opportunities, to connect em-
               ployers with students, to present the expectations/desires of employers and students,
               and to exchange views between employers and schools and students.
               Content presentation: the Regional Business Breakfast was attended by 24 company
               representatives, as well as representatives of the Community of Vocational Colleges
               and the Municipality of Šentjur. All employers were introduced so that the students
               could approach to them to get information they were interested in. Students of our
               higher education programmes Hospitality and Tourism, Nature Conservation, Ru-
               ral and Landscape Management, Food and Nutrition were invited to a breakfast with
               employers. The meeting was organised with the aim of connecting employers with
               students, who can get to know them through practical training and shape them into
               future employees. All participating companies had tables for discussion and presenta-
               tion materials, and breakfast was available throughout the day for informal socialising   posterji | poster presentations
               and exchanging views. After the event, we asked all participants to fill in a survey that
               we can get feedback. Employers were very pleased with the opportunity to present
               their company and students were very satisfied with the opportunity to get to know
               the companies. After the event we summarised the guidelines for future work. High-
               er vocational school encourages the active and creative involvement of students in the
               study process and also in practical tarining. In doing so, we empower them to take re-
               sponsibility for their study and their success. The employability of graduates is one of
               our objectives, and therefore a strong focus is placed on the organisation of practical
               training for students. Higer vocational school is trying to connect study with practice
               and to provide students with the concrete knowledge and skills they will need.
               Conclusions: students are encouraged to collaborate with companies and to get in-
               volved in projects organised at regional and national level. Events that connect em-
               ployers and the local environment with students are part of students’ career devel-
               opment and their integration into working adults. Employers and students wish more
               events of this kind.
               Keywords: employers, cooperation with the environment, labour market

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