Page 5 - Enakost, pravičnost in vključevalnost spolov v akademskem okolju
P. 5

to be – an exemplary case of gender mainstreaming and efforts to eliminate all
                                         forms of discrimination based on gender, gender identities and sexual orienta-
                                           The second University of Primorska symposium on Gender Equality for an In-
                                         clusive University and Society, entitled Equality, Equity and Inclusivity in Acade-
                                         mia, continues the efforts towards an inclusive university, generating educational
                                         and research content in gender equality. The aforementioned effort is consistent
                                         with the goals of the GDI UP project as a framework for the implementation of
                                         the symposium. In accordance with the Regulation on the Establishment of the
                                         Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, Slovenian legislation and the Gender Equal-
                                         ity Plan of the University of Primorska (see,
                                         the investment project integrates the principles of gender equality and equal op-
                                         portunities for all into all phases of the project/activities. At its core, the Univer-
                                         sity builds and promotes interpersonal relationships based on the inclusion of
                                         diversity. Understanding and coexistence with dissenting voices are fundamen-
                                         tal pillars of a critical academic community that respects human rights and has
                                         zero tolerance for discrimination and intolerance. In accordance with the UP Plan
                                         and the Equal Opportunities for Women and Men Act, UP will ensure that all
                                         project activities are systematically assessed from a gender perspective or that
                                         the possible consequences for the position of women and men are taken into ac-
                                         count in all phases of project implementation (see
                                         -university/gdi-up/ and
                                           The above-mentioned symposium is a significant step in advancing gender
                                         equality. It addresses a wide range of debates on gender and gender identities in
                                         an intersectional perspective and brings together discussions on gender in three
                                         strands: University Environment, Gender in Everyday Life, and Gender in Institu-
                                         tions. The first strand covers the issues of developing gender knowledge in uni-
                                         versities and the current actions of stakeholders who enact and live gender in
                                         the university environment; the authors reflect on the University as a key indica-
                                         tor of gender equality in an intersectional perspective, that also addresses class
                                         and ethnic/racial inequalities, as a defender of the autonomous development of
                                         gender theories, as a stakeholder that can contribute to micro-discriminations, or
                                         as actors whose actions can be exemplary of the equality and non-discrimination
                                         of a wide range of gender diversity. The second set of contributions to the sympo-
                                         sium provides insights into gender diversity in everyday life, taking intersection-
                                         ality into account. For anthropologists, the terrain is undoubtedly coexistence in
                                         everyday life, with gender being one of the key dimensions of identity that de-
                                         fines anthropologists, alongside other aspects, not least including, place, region
                                         and geography. In addition to geography, ethnicity is also key, and in the case
                                         of Roma communities, this is a key component of (in)equality. Unlike many who
                                         leave aside sexual orientations and LGBT+ identities due to discrimination, the
                                         paper on the Roma also sheds light on these issues. On the one hand, society’s en-
                                         gagement with digitalised media brings the possibility of transcending discrim-
                                         ination, while on the other hand, it presents pitfalls for the creation or restoring
                                         of sexism, binarism and fake news. The third set of contributions brings together
                                         AGRIGEP researchers, focusing on governance and systems perspectives. The pa-
                                         pers in this set present efforts to develop scientific excellence, the factors influ-
                                         encing gender equality in research and institutional settings, substantive anal-
                                         yses of gender equality plans in selected European universities, and the devel-
                                         opment of gender equality principles in selected fields, e.g. agriculture and life
                                           The symposium is carried out in the framework of the Green, Digital and Inclu-

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