Page 91 - Petelin, Ana. 2024. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | Health of the Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo | Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 91

Table 1: Overview of studies.

                  Author(s) and year  Aim of research   Methodology        Results
                                  This study aimed to                A night meal with a
                                  compare the acute ef-              higher percentage of
                                  fect of a high-protein/            protein and a lower per-
                                  moderate carbohydrate              centage of carbohydrates
                                  versus low-protein/  controlled, randomized,  led to minor postprandi-
                Cunha et al., 2020
                                  high-carbohydrate meal  crossover clinical trial  al glucose levels during
                                  served at night on the             the night shift but exert-
                                  postprandial metabol-              ed no effect on the meta-
                                  ic response of male night          bolic response of the fol-
                                  workers.                           lowing meal.
                                  The aim was to conduct
                                  a systematic review of             The meta-analysis did
                                  the literature and to as-
                                  sess the relationship be-  systematic review of the   not produce significant
                Saulle et al., 2018                                  results on the prevalence
                                  tween night shift and   literature
                                  overweight and obesi-              of obesity in the popula-
                                                                     tion of nurses
                                  ty among health profes-                                    91
                                                                     The findings of the study
                                                                     are decreases in most
                                                                     measured outcomes of
                                  To uncover the impact              subjective hunger, appe-
                                  of hunger, dietary pref-           tite, and food preference
                                  erences, and physiologi-  randomized, crossover
                McHill et al., 2022                                  in our highly controlled
                                  cal appetitive hormones,   clinical trial  conditions likely suggest
                                  studied healthy indi-              that other mechanisms
                                                                     promote the observed
                                                                     adverse health conse-   the influence of night work on the eating habits of workers
                                                                     quences of shift work.
                                                                     The short duration of
                                                                     nighttime sleep and high
                                  This study aimed to eval-          social jetlag are risk fac-
                                  uate the relationship be-          tors for dyslipidemia,
                                  tween proxy for circa-  randomized, dou-  whereas the late type and
                Garrido et al., 2021  dian disruption, eating   ble-blind, crossover-con-  the longer time inter-
                                  habits, sleep character-  trolled clinical trial  val between the last meal
                                  istics, and dyslipidemic           and sleep onset appear to
                                                                     be protective factors for
                                                                     Participants experi-
                                  This study focuses on the          enced weight loss by re-
                                  qualitative aspects of this        placing their dinner with
                                  intervention, aiming to    randomized controlled   the MR. This study of-
                Sooriyaarachchi et al.,   explore the experiences   clinical trial with quali-  fers valuable insights for
                                  and perceptions of shift   tative interviews  tailoring future work-
                                  workers who participat-            place-based dietary in-
                                  ed in the trial.                   terventions for this vul-
                                                                     nerable population.
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