Page 92 - Petelin, Ana. 2024. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | Health of the Working-Age and Older Adults. Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo | Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 92
Author(s) and year Aim of research Methodology Results
This study evaluated the High meal GI but not
effect of fasting com-
pared with the consump- higher meal frequency
during the night shift in-
tion of meals with dif-
ferent combinations of randomized cross-over creased in female night
Suyoto et al., 2023 shift workers. Results for
glycemic index and fre- trial
quency (1 or 3 times) 1 low-GI meal during the
night shift were not dif-
during the night shift
on continuous glucose ferent from a glucose
profile after no meal.
monitoring metrics
Shift workers often ex-
perience a misalignment
between the central cir- These findings of-
fer a proof-of-concept
cadian clock and daily
environmental/behavio- demonstration of an ev-
Qian et al., 2022 ral cycles, and circadian parallel-design rand- idence-based meal tim-
misalignment can neg- omized clinical trial ing intervention that
may prevent mood vul-
atively affect mood and
emotional well-being in nerability in shift work
92 non-shift workers and settings.
shift workers
zdravje delovno aktivnih in starejših odraslih | health of working-age and older adults
Driver safety dur-
This study investigated ing the simulated com-
the relationship between Laboratory study and mute home is greater fol-
food intake during the
Gupta et al., 2020 underwent four simulat- lowing the night shift if
night shift and simulat- ed night shifts. a snack, rather than a
ed driving performance meal, is consumed dur-
ing the shift.
This review investigates
how rotating shift work
schedules affect die- This review highlights
tary energy intake and
dietary patterns com- that dietary intake in ro-
tational shift workers is
pared with regular day
Clark et al., 2023 and fixed shift sched- Systematic Review and potentially higher in cal-
ories and features differ-
ules. In addition, intrap- Meta-Analysis
erson energy intake and ent eating patterns as a
consequence of rotating
dietary pattern compari-
sons within rotating shift shift work schedules.
schedules were investi-
Working irregular hours, such as in-shift work, presents distinct chal-
lenges for maintaining a healthy lifestyle due to disruptions in eating and sleep-
ing patterns. Studies have shown that shift workers face an increased risk of di-
etary imbalances and health issues, including obesity. Even with similar daily
energy intake as those who work regular hours, shift workers are 23% more
likely to become obese. Being overweight or obese is associated with various
chronic conditions and metabolic complications. (Sooriyaarachchi et al., 2023).
Shift work may have a significant impact on the health of the worker and
has been connected to unhealthy lifestyles. Saulle et al., (2018) are authors that
suggest more high-quality studies with a larger number of participants should
be conducted to determine if there is a real link between exposure to night
shifts and weight gain or obesity.